LDS Priesthood Preview Ideas and Printables

I thought I would post some of the ideas and printable handouts we have used in the past for our Priesthood Preview.  Really, it is the bishopric and Young Men who put the Priesthood Preview on. The Primary Presidency was their to support and help out a little :)

The important thing is that the Primary Presidency, Young Men Presidency and Bishopric coordinate to decide how involved the Primary Presidency will be. When I was in, as a Primary Presidency we took care of printing the program, Printing invitations, providing a pianist and chorister, and making the refreshments.  This is just an example.

Here is what Handbook 2 says about Priesthood Preview:

Priesthood Preview

A meeting called Priesthood Preview is held each year for 11-year-old boys and their parents. The purpose of this meeting is to help boys understand the priesthood and strengthen their commitment to prepare to receive it. Possible topics for the meeting include priesthood purposes, responsibilities, and blessings (for some ideas, see Faith in God for Boys, pages 12–13).

A member of the bishopric conducts the Priesthood Preview, and at least one member of the Primary presidency attends. Other leaders, including members of the deacons quorum presidency and Young Men presidency, may also attend.

If a ward has very few 11-year-old boys, the meeting may be held, under the direction of the stake presidency, with other wards or with the entire stake. According to local needs, it may be held on a Sunday evening, as part of a deacons quorum meeting on Sunday, or at another time."

As for the program here is the layout that I would give the Young Men President.  He would then decide on those who he would like to participate in the program.

                                Priesthood Preview
  Presiding                                                                 Bishop

  Conducting                                        Bishop or counselor

  Pianist                                                 Provided by primary

  Chorister                                             Provided by primary

  Opening Song                     We’ll Bring the World His Truth

  Opening Prayer                                               By Invitation

  Role of a Deacon                           Deacon’s Quorum Pres

  Boy Scout Presentation                                 Scout Master

  Power of Service                      YM from Deacon’s Quorum

  Living a Christ-like life                            YM 2nd Counselor

  Priesthood Preparation                                 YM President

  Closing Remarks                                                      Bishop

  Closing Song                                           Choose the Right

  Closing Prayer                                                 By Invitation


 ** This is just an example.  Coordinate with your Young Men Presidency and bishopric.

Free Printable Priesthood Preview Invites:

Priesthood Preview Program Cover:


  1. Thank you for this! We just had ours a couple weeks ago, but I just pinned this for next year!

  2. Great invites and program. I am having trouble printing these. I can only save the web page but no the actual images. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Janelle. The best thing to do is to click on the image and save it to your computer as a jpeg image. You will then be able to print it from your computer just like any other image. Let me know if you have any further problems and I can send it to you by email. Thanks :)

  3. I am new to primary and find this and your entire site so helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  4. CAN YOU PLEASE EMAIL THIS TO ME? i am having trouble saving this image


  5. I love these invitations and the program but am also having problems downloading. Can you please email them to me? Is there a way to type on them? Thank you for your work especially the Ponderizing of Scriptures. I have been inspired by you.

    1. Thank you Eva! I have fixed it now, just click the download button for whichever one you would like to download. It is a jpeg image, meaning you can edit it in any photo editing software, like picmonkey or You can add whatever text you would like that way, or print them and handwrite it. :)
