Pursuit of Excellence: Develop a program of regular exercise. Being Prepared: Finish up Go Bag.

 Last week the goal I had posted to work on was Record memorable spiritual experiences or events in a journal.  Here is the link to the Pursuit of Excellence pamphlet

This week's Goal is:

Develop a program of Regular Exercise.Today, I posted about making the choice to Exercise.  How it can be done alone or a group of friends could get together and encourage each other in the process.  For my recent post and a workout sample schedule click here.

Being Prepared!

Let's review what we have gathered for our bags already:
Obtain a bag to put the items in, backpacks work great.
Gather Personal Identification Information
Change of Clothing
A Comfort Bag
o Bottle of Water & Granola Bars
This weeks goal is to make sure everyone has these items in the bags and to put them in a place that is ready available to grab and go.  I would suggest that each bag be in their bedrooms, where they are able to grab them. 

When the word fat defined me, or did it?

Since, having my third child I have really struggled to get back to my pre-pregnancy body.  I have done extreme workout programs and followed strict diet plans and still have been unable to reach my goals.  I often joke that the scale must have broke when we made the long move from Washington to Utah.  Or that it must be the change in altitudes.  Anyways, the whole thing left me very frustrated and discouraged. So, a few months ago I rebelled.  In my head I decided that eating right and exercise must not really matter, I struggled with whether it was really worth all of the hard work and dedication.  So, I began eating the stuff I wanted and I ate whenever I craved something.  Let's just say I ate a lot of sweets! I was also not dedicated in my exercising it was more of a miss then a hit. I noticed I became more of an emotional eater and I started to loose some of my energy.  I also began to get a little bit more flabbiness. Especially, in all of my trouble areas.   I knew that I needed to get back to exercising, but I had excuses of being too tired or that I didn't have the time.  I also, knew that I needed to start eating better, but I  battled with the craving for that something sweet.

Then, one day someone mentioned the word FAT to me.  I immediately was hurt.  As soon as the word was said it was like a disease that spread throughout my mind and I started to let it define me.  I remember that same day trying to get a glimpse of myself in reflections of windows as we walked through the mall to see what my body had become.  To see what that person must see. Now let me clarify, I am not over weight,  but because of the choices I had made in regards to nutrition and exercise my body has gained around 8 pounds in three months and I am 16 lbs heavier then my pre-pregnancy weight. I am writing this because, I want to share that it does not matter whether you are 100 lbs or 16 lbs away from your ideal body weight, it is still hard mentally, emotionally and physically. I believe that most women struggle with their body image.

Even though we shouldn't, we compare ourselves with others and we do care about what other people think. It can cause a lot of emotional pain and stress. Personally, I became upset with myself.  Why had I let myself stop working hard.  All of the progress I had made was now gone.  Now, I was going to have to start all over.  I had to make a decision.  The decision I had to make was whether it was worth all of the hard work or not.  The answer is and always should be, YES!!! The answer is yes, not because I care about what someone has said or thinks about me, it is yes, because I am worth it.  My health, my energy, my happiness is all worth it.  I have wrote this before that the motivation needs to be more about health than physical results, the physical results are the bonus.

About a year ago, some of my friends had talked about getting together and exercising together, but nothing really came from it.  Recently, the ball has been set in motion to make it all happen.  I am really excited, I think when you exercise with friends it is a little bit funner and you definitely work harder.  Let's face it, no matter what size you are, exercise is difficult.  As your body gets stronger you can push yourself a little more, but it is still difficult.  What works with me is I first have to make the choice that I am going to set aside a time each day to exercise and I am going to get that exercise in. Then, I have to commit that I am going to go all out that I am going to do my best during the exercise.  Enduring the exercise is a must.  There are times during my workout that it gets really difficult, I feel as though I can not go any longer.  But if I endure until the end, then I feel the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.  I am proud of myself and happy that I was strong enough to make it through and that I didn't give up.  So, did I let that ugly word FAT define me?  No, because fat is something that can be removed.  It defines the tissue that gives us rolls and dimples, it does not define the person. To remove the fat, it starts with making the right choice, committing to it, and enduring. So here is the plan for me and my friends:

We are going to get together twice a week and our focus is going to be cardio, abs and leg/buns. On the days we are not together we are going to workout on our own.  Here is a sample of a workout program with a spot to record progress and take any notes.  I love taking notes so I can look back and see what worked or didn't.  Also, I think it is great to make realistic goals. Set a day that you would like to accomplish your goal by and work towards it.  I find for me that short term, smaller goals work better. So, I would set a realistic goal to be accomplished in 30 days.
No matter where you live, I invite you to join our group of friends and to choose to make your life healthy, you are worth it.  You can follow along with our schedule either on your own or get a group of friends in your area and motivate and encourage each other!  Good luck and let me know how it goes.

***Disclaimer: I am not a licensed nutritionist or personal trainer.  The above methods are what I have found works best for me. We are all different, so what works for me might not work for you.  Always consult a physician before beginning any workout program.***

Valentine's Day Bee Craft Printable

As being a member of the PTA for my children's school, I had signed up to do a bulletin board at a local grocery store.  My turn has come up for February.  That means I had to come up with a craft that one of my kids classes could do, that I could use to decorate the board with.  I thought the theme: BEE- MINE would be a fun one for February.  So, I came up with these little bees that the kids could color, put together and write a little message on.  When I get the board done, I'll have to post the finished project.  This would be a fun activity for kids at home, school groups, preschool, etc. Here are the two pages of printables.  

Here is it just as a color page:


Sharing Time February 2014 Week 1: Heavenly Father has a plan for His children.

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Identify the doctrine:  Heavenly Father has a plan for His children. Gather a few examples of plans, such as a house plan and a game plan. Print the printable "Heavenly Father has a plan for His children."

Help the Children Understand the Doctrine: Print out the printables. Also print out the scripture reference page. Also, study before hand "True to the Faith pg 115-117"

Help them apply the doctrine in their lives: Prepare to ask if any teachers or children would like to bear their testimonies about Heavenly Father's plan and how they can receive happiness by following it.

Example of how to place pictures: 

Update: I am posting another printable.  On lds.org the word judgment is spelled two ways, "Judgment" and "Judgement".  In the scriptures it is spelled, "judgment"  So, I am offering both spellings. 

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin, the sharing time by asking the children if they know what a Plan is.  Explain that a plan is a bunch of steps or actions used to achieve something.  In sports there is a game plan.  The coach usually goes through plays and describes a way that their team can win the game.  A builder has a plan for a house.  It is a drawing and steps of what the builder needs to do to accomplish the finish object of a correctly constructed house.  Our Heavenly Father has a plan for His children. Have the children repeat: "Heavenly Father has a plan for His children."  Explain that we are going to talk about this plan.  If we follow Heavenly Father's plan we will have happiness. With a piece of chalk, divide the board into three different sections. Ask the children where they lived before coming to Earth?  

Place the printable, Premortal Life on the the board in the first section.  Explain that this is where our Heavenly Father's plan began.  Ask the children what they know about our Premortal Life.  Help them by explaining that we lived with our Heavenly Father as his spirit children in Heaven.  We had our free agency and we developed our identity and increased our spiritual capabilities.  While in Heaven all of Heavenly Father's spirit children attended a council with Heavenly Father. At this council Heavenly Father presented his Plan of Happiness. Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven's first born spirit child said that he would be our Savior.  Lucifer, another one of Heavenly Father's spirit children, rebelled against the plan.  He did not want free agency.  He and his followers were cast out of Heaven and would never receive physical bodies or experience mortality.  We chose to follow our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and were permitted to come to earth to gain bodies and progress towards Eternal life.

Place the printable, Mortal Life on the board in the second section. And the word strip "Birth" on the line that separates Premortal Life and Mortal Life. Ask the children what they know about Mortal Life.  Explain that part of Heavenly Father's plan was for us to be born here on Earth and receive our bodies. We no longer could remember our Premortal life. Our Heavenly Father sent us to families to help us learn and grow and progress.  We are here to prove ourselves, to use our free agency, to follow the Savior and to prepare and qualify for eternal life. Part of the plan was that we needed a Savior to atone for the pains and mistakes we would make in this life. We would also need to seek repentance, which was provided through the atonement.

Place the printable, Life After Death at the top of the third section.  Place the word strip Death on the line separating Mortal life and Life after Death.  Ask the children what they know about life after death?  Explain that part of Heavenly Father's plan is that we will die when our time on Earth is finished, our body and our spirit will separate.  Our body stays here on earth and our spirit goes to the spirit world to wait for the resurrection.  In the spirit world there is Spirit Paradise and Spirit Prison.  Place those word strips on the board. Spirit Paradise is for those who have been baptized and have remained faithful.  Those who go to Spirit Prison have the opportunity to learn the gospel, to repent of their sins, and to receive ordinances of baptism and confirmation by the work performed on their behalf in the temple.  When they do these things, they are able to enter paradise.  At the time of the resurrection our bodies and our spirit will be reunited and made perfect.  We will then be judged.  Place the word strip "Judgement" on the board.  We will then be placed into a Glory.  The glory we inherit will depend on our obedience to the commandments and our testimony of the Savior. Place the different Glories on the board: Celestial, Terrestial, and Telestial.  Explain that it is our goal and Heavenly Father's plan for us to receive the highest degree of glory in the Celestial Kingdom, so we can dwell in his presence along with the Jesus Christ and live eternally with our families.

Read a scripture and ask the children to raise their hand if they know what section the scripture belongs to. Call on someone to tell you which section in goes with. Continue with each scripture.

Ask  if any of the children or teachers would like to share their testimony about Heavenly Father's plan and how they can gain happiness by choosing to follow the plan. 

Bear your testimony on Heavenly Father's Plan for His Children.

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, you can find a link here

Family Home Evening on Commitment, Working Hard and Doing Our Best

 I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest."  On Lds.org there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

Tonight's Family Home Evening is on Commitment, Working Hard and Doing Our Best.  I chose this topic for our Family Home Evening tonight, because I have noticed lately with my children they think their lives should revolve all around playing and having fun. When they have to practice for sports, they complain that they are missing out on play.  When they have to finish their homework and chores they complain because it is taking up their play time. When we run errands as a family, they about have a melt down because it is boring and they are missing out on play. Yes, I understand they are kids, and that's what lives all about, right? Wrong.  I want my children to be able to understand that life isn't all about play time, which they have plenty of anyways.  I do want them to enjoy life, but you can enjoy life and have fun while working hard also. I want them to know how important it is that once you decide to do something (like play a sport or an instrument or attend school) they have made a commitment, there are team mates, coaches, and teachers that are relying on them to do their best.  That means that they need to spend the time practicing and doing homework. And yes that means they are not going to be able to play their electronics or legos from the time they get home to the time they go to bed.  For my kids when they get home and after having a little snack they are asked to complete their homework, practices, and chores before they get play time.  Usually, they still have plenty of time to play.  

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Dare to Do Right" pg 158 Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Read and Mark: 2 Timothy 2:3

Article of Faith: # 1 "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."  (Continue helping family members memorize the Article of Faith and understand its meaning.)

Present your family with the family schedule.  I am going to do a weekly schedule and keep this up every Family Home Evening. This way everyone knows what is going on. The kids can see how much playtime they actually get and also know what is expected of them. 

Play the Video: A Work In Progress

Discuss as a family what the words Endure and Commit mean.  In the "Guide to The Scriptures" it defines endure as: "To remain firm in a commitment to be true to the commandments of God despite temptation, opposition, and adversity."  The word Commit is defined in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as: "...a promise to be loyal to someone or something."  Explain that when we commit to do something we are saying we are going to be loyal. When we endure, we remain firm to that commitment, even if it is difficult.  Discuss ways each family can do this in their particular commitments.  An example would be if you make a commitment to be on a basketball team.  To follow through with your commitment you need to be loyal to your teammates and your coach.  That means you will work hard and practice so you can be ready and prepared for your games.  On game day you will try your best to help your team preform its best. 

Discuss what each family member learned from the story.  Discussion might include: that Joseph enjoyed playing, but he also knew how to work hard and provide services.  Ask each family member what is one thing they really enjoy doing.  Then ask each family member what are somethings that they need to do each day to fulfill their commitments.  Explain that it is great to have fun and to play, but it is also very important to keep our commitments, to help out as part of a family and to provide service.

Doing Our Best... discuss as a family what those three words mean to each family member.  For me it means that I am going to do the best I can on a particular thing.  I am going to work hard to make the preparations I need to do my best, then I am going to follow through.  When we do our best we can feel good about our selves, we will not have any regrets, because we gave it our all. (This is what I want my children to understand, that if they truly do their very best, give it their all and not just half halfheartedly do something, then they will be successful at what they do)

Decide on something fun to do as a family and something you can work hard to accomplish and do those two things.  It doesn't have to be done tonight, but sometime throughout the week. 

Bear testimonies on how important it is to honor our commitments, the growth we receive from working hard and how important it is to do our best.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Pursuit of Excellence: Journal & Go Bag Items: Water & Food

 Last week the goal I had posted to work on was Read a book that will increase your faith and strengthen you spiritually. I am so grateful that there are such good books out there that can help us grow spiritually!  Here is the link to the Pursuit of Excellence pamphlet

This week's Goal is:

Record memorable spiritual experiences or events in a journal.

What a marvelous record we have in the scriptures of those people who have recorded memorable spiritual experiences.  When we write things down they are their for us to go back to and to remind us of the feelings we felt.  They are also their for future generations and can help others with their spiritual growth. I need to get better at this, that is why I am setting it as one of my goals. I have kept journals since I basically could write. I enjoy going back and reading the things I wrote in them.  It is funny to read the things that were such a big deal in my life at the time.  The excuse for not writing more consistantly recently is, time. It is something that I am just going to have to make the time to do.

Here is a link to some journal labels that you can use on a composition book, to make your own personalized journal.

Being Prepared!

Let's review what we have gathered for our bags already:
Obtain a bag to put the items in, backpacks work great.
Gather Personal Identification Information
Change of Clothing
A Comfort Bag

Let's add to the bag this week, by adding:
o Bottle of Water & Granola Bars

- These items should be replaced every 6 months.  A great tip is when you are going through your food storage and 72 hour kit and rotating things, rotate things in your Go Bag also.

2x4 Heart Picture Holder: A Great Gift For Valentine's Day.

This is a very simple craft that even the kids could help with.  Cut your block of wood 5-6 inches long.  Lightly sand the edges.  The one above, I was in a hurry so I did not sand it at all (it just gives it a rustic feel).  Now, paint the back and all of the edges and about 1/2 inch onto the front in a color that coordinates with your scrapbook paper.  After the paint dries, cut a piece of scrapbook paper to the size of the block.  I did mine a little smaller than the block.  Then mod podge the scrapbook paper onto the front of the wood.  Next, cut out your heart.  I just did the good old fold the paper in-half and cut out half of the heart on the fold.  Then I cut a smaller heart out of the middle.  Then you crumple the paper up, un-crumple it, and give it a distressed look using ink.  Apply mod podge onto the back of the heart & put it in the center of the block. I let it have kind of a bubbly look by not letting the whole thing be glued down flat.  Next, you will distress the edges of the scrap paper with sand paper or emery board, then ink them.  Next step is to poke a hole in the top of the block. To do this use a ruler to find the middle and mark with a pencil.  Now, you will either need to drill the hole with a very fine drill bit, or you can do what I did and put a push pin in an pull it back out.  For the holders for the pictures you will need to cut some wire and twist it with some small pliers.  Then you will insert the straight end into the hole you poked into the top of the block.  If it does not fit securely then add some glue.  Spray the entire thing with clear coat.  Lastly tie a bow out of ribbon or a strip of fabric and hot glue it onto the block, close to the wire.  Secure a picture in the wire holder and there you go a simple easy gift to give to your special someone.  These also work great as teacher gifts or gifts to grandparents.

If you have any questions about this project, please leave me a comment below. Or you can email me at lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com.

Sharing Time January 2014 Week 4: I can return to Heavenly Father by following Jesus Christ.

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Identify the doctrine: I can return to Heavenly Father by following Jesus Christ. 
Print and cut out the pintables, a lot of these are the printables I had for prior week sharing times (laminate if you would like), place the path, children, Bridge, Sun and picture of Christ on the board.(See the Example) 

Plan on doing a short review of prior weeks sharing times.

Help the Children Understand the Doctrine: Prepare to tell about Jesus calling to his apostles to follow him.  Here is a link to the picture.  Gather these pictures: Christ praying with MaryJohn the Baptist baptizing JesusChrist TeachingJesus with the peopleJesus and the Apostles partaking of the Sacrament 

Help them apply the doctrine in their lives:  Laminate the footprints.  Have a dry erase marker to write on them with.

Free Printables:

Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin the sharing time by discussing with the children the items that are on the board.  The children represent all of us who chose to come to the earth.  The path is the pathway that Jesus left us by example that will lead us back to live eternally with our Heavenly Father.  Holding the pathway together is the bridge.  The bridge represents the atonement of Jesus Christ.  Without the atonement the pathway would be broken and we would not be able to return to our Father in Heaven. But Heavenly Father loved us so he sent his son to suffer and atone for our sins, so we can be able to repent and be forgiven for the wrong choices we will make.  Our goal is to return to live eternally with our Heavenly Father, the Celestial kingdom is represent by the sun.  Jesus has provided his example to lead us on the path to return to our Father in Heaven.  What are some things that Jesus has done here on Earth that are an example to us of what we should do?  Ask a child to come hold the picture of Christ praying with Mary.  Explain that Jesus showed us by example how to pray to our Father in Heaven.  Our Heavenly Father wants to hear from us, he wants to here how are day is going, what we need and especially what we are grateful for.  Show a picture of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus.  Explain that even though Jesus was perfect he was still baptized to be an example to us.  Baptism is one of the saving ordinance that we need to qualify for the Celestial kingdom. When we are baptized me make sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father.  Show a picture of Christ Teaching.  Jesus showed us to share the gospel with everyone.  Discuss ways to share the gospel.  Show a picture of Jesus with the people.  Jesus taught us to love and serve others.  We are to treat everyone with love and kindness.  We are all daughters and sons of God.  We need to look out for each other, show compassion towards each other and give service to one another.  Discuss ways to do this.  Show a picture of the Jesus and the Apostles partaking of the Sacrament.  Explain that partaking of the sacrament is the most important thing we do on Sundays.  When we partake of the sacrament we are renewing our baptismal covenants.  Tell the children the story of Christ calling to his apostles as found in Matthew 4:18–22. Here is the example from the Sharing Time Outline: “Peter and Andrew earned their living by catching fish. One day as they cast their nets into the Sea of Galilee they saw Jesus of Nazareth. They heard Him say, “Follow me.” Even though Peter and Andrew were in the middle of their work, they immediately left their nets, and followed Him. James and John were in another ship mending their nets. Jesus called to them, so they left their nets and followed Him.” Ask the children that if the Savior said to them, "Follow Me", would they stop what they were doing and follow him? Explain that Jesus has said those words to them, he wants all of us to follow him.  Ask the children if they have any examples of how they followed Jesus throughout the week?  Write what they say on the footprints and place them on the path.  See example above.  Thank all who participated.  Bear your testimony about how following the example of Jesus Christ will help each of us return to live with our Heavenly Father.  Remind them to throughout the week to think about the words Jesus said to his apostles, "Follow me", ask them to follow those words and to find ways they can follow Jesus.

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, you can find a link here

Family Home Evening on Teaching our Children How to Use and Gather Information the Right Way (Passing off Achievement #17 in the Bear Den Cub Scout Book)

 I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest."  On Lds.org there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

Tonight's Family Home Evening is on Teaching our Children How to Use and Gather Information the Right Way, this will  passing off Achievement #17 in the Bear Den Cub Scout Book.

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Choose The Right" pg 239 Hymnal

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Read and Mark: Proverbs 18:15

Article of Faith: # 1 "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."  (Continue helping family members memorize the Article of Faith and understand its meaning)

As a family decide on a good TV show to watch together as a family. (Discuss what kind of shows we should watch. Also, what we should do if a show comes on and is something we should not be watching.) Have some yummy treats for the show.  After the show ask these questions to each family member:
- What did you like about the show?
- What did you learn?
- What didn't you like?
- What would you have changed?

Play a game of charades with your family.  Explain that during the came they are going to have to guess what the word is, by gathering information from the actions that will be done to describe the word.  The person who is describing the word can not speak at all.  Use the cards from the printable below and act out those words.  Discuss with your family the different ways you can gather information.  (ex. reading it in a book or newspaper or online, listening, watching actions or body movement, etc)

Discuss as a family how getting and giving facts fits into the parent's jobs and with the children at school.  
How do they get the facts they need?
-Does someone tell them directly, or over the phone?
-Do they read it on paper, in books, or from a computer screen?
-What do they do with the facts?
-Do they pass the facts along to others?

Bear testimonies on How Using and Gathering Information the Right Way will help us keep Heavenly Father's commandments.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Journal Labels Printable

For our gifts to the primary children that are graduating into Young men and Young women this year we are giving them journals.  In August, I purchased a bunch of composition books when the school supply sales were going on.  All that I needed to do with them is add a Journal label.  I am going to print these onto card stock and then glue them onto the composition book with a glue stick right on top of where it says, "composition".  This way it is a little cuter and more personalized.  You can also add embellishments if you would like.  I made these with the activity day girls a few years back and we made paper flowers that were flatter that we added to the books.  I also have used these for my own family's journal.  Wouldn't it be a great resolution to write what is going on in our families each week in a journal? Or to even just keep a journal of our own thoughts and experiences?

Pursuit of Excellence Goal: Read a book & Preparedness: Go Bag

I love that there is something that Sisters can get ideas from to help better themselves.  I remember being in Young Women and doing the Personal Progress Program.  The personal growth that came from setting goals and doing activities that helped me grow closer to my Heavenly Father and helped my testimony grow.  The primary aged girls have their Faith in God program that does the same thing.  So, wouldn't it be fitting for there to be something to help us women (men can also work on the Pursuit of Excellence) set goals and draw closer to our Heavenly Father.  Here is the link to the Pursuit of Excellence pamphlet.  I wanted to post the goal that I am going to be focusing on each week.  I also thought I would post a little preparedness tip this week, also.

This week's Goal is:

Read a book that will increase your faith and strengthen you spiritually.

There are some great books out there that can increase our faith and strengthen us spiritually.  I am currently reading, "The Power of Everyday Missionaries" by Clayton M. Christensen.  Here is a link to his website if you are interested. This book was really talked up in our ward council months ago.  So, I purchased the book and began reading it.  It was funny because at our tithing settlement the bishopric gave us one to read and pass on.  So, I told my hubby he could read that one.  It has taken me a little bit longer to get through it, because December was a crazy month.  I have recommitted to reading some of it every night and I am hoping to complete it this week.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, it has strengthened my resolve to be a better member missionary. Clayton gives personal experiences in the book of what has worked for him in regards to sharing the gospel with others. I am amazed at what a wonderful missionary he has been throughout his life.  The Gospel is so important to me in my life and I truly desire for everyone I know to have that same blessing in their lives.  I want them to have the knowledge that they are a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves them and knows them and desires each of us to speak with him each day.  I want them to have the understanding of the gospel plan. To know that we have an elder brother, Jesus Christ, who suffered and atoned for every mistake that we will make in this life.  He did this because he loves us and there would be no other way for us to return to our Father's presence. That he was resurrected so we could too. I want them to have the love of the scriptures and the knowledge that the words written in them are true.  I want them to feel the love that comes from the bishopric and members of a ward and how each member uses their talents to strengthen each other.  I want them to have the gospel in their lives because it gives each of us purpose and direction.

Being Prepared!

I had been posting each week ways to be prepared and then the holidays came.  So, lets jump right back in.  I had previously posted some items to gather for the Go Bag, that each family member should have in the rooms to grab and go in case of an emergency. 

Let's review what we have gathered for our bags already:
o Obtain a bag to put the items in, backpacks work great.
o Gather Personal Identification Information
o Change of Clothing

Let's add to the bag this week, by adding:
o A Comfort Bag: A couple years ago, my son's teacher asked us to put some items in a Ziploc bag to send to school in case of an emergency.  I loved this idea, at the end of the year they sent the items back home.  I thought it would be a great idea to put these items in each of the Go Bags.  Here is a list of the items:

- Glow Sticks or a flashlight (the wind up are great because you do not need to worry about replacing batteries each year)
- A deflated balloon with their name on it and a smiley face (this could be used for some entertainment)
- A small bouncy ball
- Poncho
- Card game 
- Emergency Blanket (those silver things that are all folded up)
- A picture of your family
- Some hard candy such as "Life Savers"
Put all of the above items in a Ziploc baggy and place in the Go Bag.

Free Valentine's Day Printable- "Hope your Valentine's Day is full of Laughs"

You are welcome to pint these out, cut them apart attach a treat and give them to your special someone. One of my favorite candies are "Laffy Taffy" candies so, of course I would want to do a Valentine printable that they could be attached to, right? All you have to do is just add your personal touch of who it is to and who it is from and tape the candy on the back or attach it to a fun little gift. These could also be used for anything that has to go along with a good laugh. Why not attach some silly putty or punch a whole in the card and tie it onto a bottle of silly string. The ideas are endless!

Sharing Time Outline 2014 Week 3: Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me to follow.

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me to follow. Identify this through out the sharing time. Prepare to play the game "Teacher Says" (To play this game you ask the children to do various actions, such as, "Teacher says, put your finger on your nose."  If you say, "Teacher says" then they follow your direction.  If you do not say "Teacher says",  then they do not do the action.) Have a piece of chalk and eraser handy. And the printable below, "Jesus Christ is the Perfect example for me to follow".

Help the Children Understand the Doctrine: Gather the four pictures of Jesus. They can be found here: Jesus Washing The Apostles Feet Scripture: John 13:14-15 ; Sermon on the Mount Scripture: Matthew 5:1-2 ; Lost Sheep Scripture: Luke 15:4 ; Christ Healing those in the Americas Scripture 3 Nephi 17:1-10. Also print out the scripture references and foot prints, see printable below.

Help them apply the doctrine in their lives: Have them think of ways they could follow each of Jesus' examples.  Have them think of a particular way, commit to it and tell them you will be following up with them next week. 

Free Printables:

Jesus Christ is the Perfect Example for me to follow.

Follow Jesus Christ's example foot prints and scriptures

Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin sharing time by saying, "Teacher says, stand up".  Continue playing "Teacher Says", by asking them to do different actions. Probably do 10 actions or so.  Thank those who participated.  Ask them what it was they were doing during the game?  Answers should be something about following directions.  Ask the children who some people are that they follow, or who are some good examples to them?  Write down their answers on the board.  Thank them for their answers. Explain to the children that our Heavenly Father loves each of us so much that he sent us someone who is a Perfect Example, someone that we could follow that would help us do the things we need to do to return to our Father's presence.  Ask the children if they know who that person is?  Place the picture from above labeled "Jesus Christ Is the Perfect Example for Me to Follow" onto the board.  Explain that Jesus is our Perfect Example.  Heavenly Father sent him to this earth so we had someone to follow. Place the pictures of the Savior on the board.  There should be four, see above for links.   Also place the footprints randomly on the board. Ask a teacher or older child to come and read one of the scriptures, pointing to the picture the scripture correlates with.   After they read the scripture ask another child to come and pick one of the foot prints and put it with the picture it goes with.  For example:  John 13:14-15 would be for the picture of Christ washing his apostle's feet.  The foot print that would then go under it would be "Do as I have Done to you".  Then, discuss with the children how what Jesus did is an example to us and how they can follow that example in their lives.

For example:
- "Do as I have done to you", Jesus showed by example to serve those around us.  He washed his apostle's feet and asked them to do like wise to each other.  We can follow his example by serving those people that we come in contact with.  Things as easy as visiting and talking with an elderly person. Helping a younger sibling clean their room.  Helping mom clear the table.  Opening a door for someone at the store.  These are all ways we can serve.

- "Opened his Mouth and Taught Them", in Matthew 5:1-2 we are taught that Jesus taught others.  We can also do this be sharing the Gospel with our friends and family members.  We can help teach family home evenings, we can share in our classes the things we have learned and we can tell those who do not know about the Gospel,  the things we have learned about the Gospel. Bearing your testimony is a powerful way to teach.

- "Go after that which is lost, until he find it", we learn that every soul is important.  If one was lost, then Jesus would leave the other's to go find it.  To follow this example we need to recognize that each one of us is a daughter or son of God.  That we all have the same importance to him.  He desires each of us to return to his presence.  Some ways to find and help the one, is by being a friend to everyone.  Being kind to everyone.  And by being a good missionary, sharing the gospel and help our friends by being a good example to them. Don't give up on anyone. Invite our friends to family home evenings, to church activities and activity days and scouts.

- "Behold my bowels are filled with compassion towards you", Jesus showed us a great example.  Even though he was tired and need to go, he had compassion.  He stayed and blessed and healed all those who were sick and afflicted.  We can follow this example by having compassion on others.  If we have compassion we are more understanding of others.  We help them with the things they need help with, we love them and we serve them.  If someone is unhappy, sad, or sick we should make a special effort to show our love for that person. Sometimes a kind word or a heartfelt card can go a long way.

End by asking each child to think of something they can do to follow Jesus' example this week.  Have them commit to do it and tell them that you will follow up next week to see how it went.  Bear your testimony.

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, you can find a link here
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