Family Home Evening on "Fill the World with Christ’s Love" (First Presidency Message for December)

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

Free Printable:

Preparation: I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest. On there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

Further preparation: Print the above printables.  Read the First Presidency Message from December: "Fill the World with Christ's Love"

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Sing: "He Sent His Son" , Children's Songbook page 34

Discuss any family business

Follow-up with last weeks FHE.

Scripture: Read: Moroni 7:48

Family Home Evening Instruction: 

Begin Family Home Evening by showing this video, "The Nativity".   After the video read this quote from President Uchtdorf,

"Think of the simple yet dignified way our Heavenly Father chose to honor the birth of His Son. On that holy night, angels appeared not to the rich but to shepherds. The Christ child was born not in a mansion but in a manger. He was wrapped not in silk but in swaddling clothes.

The simplicity of that first Christmas foreshadowed the life of the Savior. Though He had created the earth, walked in realms of majesty and glory, and stood at the right hand of the Father, He came to earth as a helpless child. His life was a model of modest nobility, and He walked among the poor, the sick, the downcast, and the heavy laden.

Though He was a king, He cared neither for the honors nor the riches of men. His life, His words, and His daily activities were monuments of simple yet profound dignity." (Fill the World with Christ's Love)

Discuss as a family Christ's humble beginning, discuss how he served and loved the "poor, the sick, the downcast, and the heavy laden."

Using the printable above. Place the presents where your family can see them. Ask a family member to pick a present. Have them read the scripture that goes with the present. Then decide as a family what the present is that the scripture states Christ has given us. Then decide one thing that you can do as a family to share a gift of love and kindness to someone. Continue with each present. Throughout the month work on sharing each of the gifts, using Christ as your example. You could use the "Fill the World with Christ's Love cards when you give the gifts of love and kindness :)

Play this video, "The Christmas Spirit".

Close by sharing your testimonies about having and sharing the spirit of Christ.

Close with a Family Prayer.

For More Family Home Evening Ideas Click this Link: Family Home Evening Ideas

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kim, for a beautiful post!
    I've featured you on our FB group ( for Mormon Moms and would love to have you join us there. In fact, I'd love to have you write a guest post for us if you would. Email me if you're interested! :)
    Blessings! Heidi
