Family Home Evening on Heavenly Blesses Us When We Live the Word of Wisdom (Faith in God Activity)

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

Heavenly Blesses Us When We Live the Word of Wisdom (Faith in God Activity)

Free Printable:

Preparation: I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest. On there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Sing:  "Choose The Right" Hymnal page 239  (After hymn discuss "what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith"- Faith in God book)

Discuss any family business

Follow-up with last weeks FHE.

Scripture: Read: D&C 89

Family Home Evening Instruction: 

After reading Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants together as a family. Give each member of the family the Word of Wisdom printable.  Ask your family members what the Word of Wisdom asks us not to partake of. (Strong Drinks aka. Alcohol, Tobacco, Hot Drinks aka. coffee and tea).  Have them write these things in the circle with the line through it, labeled "Do Not Partake Of".

Next, ask your family what the scripture says about what foods we should eat. These include: wholesome herbs, herb, fruit (with prudence and thanksgiving), flesh also of beasts and of the fowls (sparingly), All grain (staff of life).

Invite your family members to write these in the box that says, "Good to Eat".

Ask your family what some of the blessings are that we can receive if we live the Word of Wisdom? Answers:

"18...receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;

 19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;

 20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint." -D&C 89:18-20

Invite family members to write these blessings in the box labeled "Blessings We Will Receive".

Show the video, "Word of Wisdom"

After, the video invite each member of the family to make a commitment to live the Word of Wisdom.

Invite family members to bear their testimonies about how they will be blessed by living the Word of Wisdom. 

Close with a Family Prayer.

For More Family Home Evening Ideas Click this Link: Family Home Evening Ideas

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I stumbled across your website back in February when I became the Ward Primary President and was searching for ideas to help supplement Sharing Time. I absolutely love everything I have read! I’ve used several of your ideas with our Primary. The children love them and so do I!

    I came across this FHE lesson while preparing for my Sharing Time lesson for this week on the Word of Wisdom. I really like the printable and would love to be able to use it. Unfortunately, I can’t find where to download and print it. Would you please tell me where I can go to do so?

    Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful and inspiring ideas!!!
