2015 LDS Primary Ideas: I Know My Savior Lives

The end of the year is filled with busyness it seems. Ask any LDS Primary President, she will say this statement to be true. First, there is all of the prep work for the primary sacrament meeting program, when that is over then the focus centers around getting things ready for the next year. This is how it has been for me anyways, when I've served in primary.  I don't put much thought into the next year until I get the primary program finished.

I love the 2015 Sharing Time Outline Theme: I Know My Savior Lives.  Our Savior should be at the center of our lives, we follow his example in all things and know that his path is the only safe path to follow. It is such an important thing that our primary children learn about the Savior and gain a strong testimony of Him and form a relationship with Him.

If you're looking for ideas on how to write the Primary Program?? Look no further, HERE is the link, to tips, a program outline and a cover for the sacrament meeting program.

Binder Cover:

LDS Primary Graduation Ideas

When the primary children turn 12 they move onto the Young Women and Young Men programs. When I was primary president I would do an interview with the graduating child using the interview sheet below. I would also check to see if they had passed off all of their requirements for their Faith in God Award. If they had than I would sign their Faith in God Certificate and have the Bishop sign it as well. Then during opening exercises of primary we would have them come up front and spotlight some of the answers they gave during the interview. We would then sing either their favorite song or the Farewell, Goodbye song. We would also give them one of these cute Journals. They are made from a composition book and one of the printables below. You could also just buy a journal if you would prefer. Then our Beehive or Deacon classes would come and get the graduating child from primary.  The bishop, primary president and the teacher of the graduating child also get to sign the Certificate of Advancement. This is usually provided to the primary president by the Ward Clerk.

Here are the lyrics to the Farewell song (I am not sure who wrote the lyrics). The song is sung to the Primary song, "Hello Song" found in the Children's Songbook pg. 260.

Farewell Song
Farewell, (Adios)
See ya later (Alligator)
We're sad to see you go (Goodbye).
Farewell, (Adios)
See ya later (Alligator)
We're glad you came our way.
To share with us on primary day.
And be our friend in a very special way.
Farewell, (Adios)
See ya later (Alligator)
We're sad to see you go (Goodbye).

LDS Temple Medallion Ornament Christmas Giveaway!!

The Giveaway Event is Now Closed. Thank You so much to everyone who participated! I loved hearing all of the fun traditions that you each have during Christmas time to make it special. I will be announcing the winner tomorrow (December 2, 2014).

One of my favorite Christmas Traditions is each year since I was a baby I received a Christmas tree ornament. Each ornament I have received is different and each has a special meaning to me.  As I place my assortment of ornaments on my tree I am able to reminisce about each one.

LDS Sharing Time December 2014 Week 1: The sacrament is a time to remember Jesus Christ.

December 2014 Sharing Time Topic: We Remember and Worship Our Savior, Jesus Christ

December 2014 Scripture:  “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). 

December 2014  Week 1 Topic: The sacrament is a time to remember Jesus Christ. 

Family Home Evening on An Attitude of Gratitude based on a talk by President Monson

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

Free Printable:

LDS Sharing Time November 2014 Week 5: Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family

November 2014 Sharing Time Topic: Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family

November 2014 Scripture:  “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”). 

November 2014  Week 5 Topic: Living the Teaching of Jesus Christ Strengthen Me and my Family

Family Home Evening on Heavenly Blesses Us When We Live the Word of Wisdom (Faith in God Activity)

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

Heavenly Blesses Us When We Live the Word of Wisdom (Faith in God Activity)

Free Printable:

Our Callings In The Church...

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members are called by God to serve in a particular calling.  A calling is a position in the church, it can be a teacher, a leader, it can involve leading the music, or teaching a group of children. In all callings we are serving not only each other, but also our Heavenly Father. That is what I love about callings, is that I can serve my Heavenly Father and grow closer to him as I serve others.

In my life, most of my callings have been in the Primary Organization. Which is the organization for the children of the church.  I have served as a teacher, as an activity day leader and in multiple leadership/presidency positions.  The most current calling was that of being the Primary President. This calling is one that I grew so immensely spiritually. I loved going each week to teach the children and share in their testimonies. Man those children have some amazing testimonies!  Call me crazy but I loved and looked forward to attending meetings, when there was an upcoming Round Table, Ward Council or Leadership training I was so excited because it meant I was going to be uplifted spiritually!!

While serving as primary president, I knew that I would not be in the calling forever (even though I totally would have, it was great!). I knew that there would be a day that I would receive a phone call telling me that a member of the bishopric would need to speak with me. I knew that I would one day have to say good bye to those beautiful little children and serve elsewhere. I knew all of this would happen, but I was not prepared for it.

When the call came, I was nervous. I did not know if I was being released or what was going on. Then, as I thought that I might be being extended a release I was nervous about what my new calling would be.  That is the worst part, the time between when you receive a call asking that you meet with the bishopric and the time you actually meet with them. The time came and me and my husband entered the bishop's office. At that time I was extended a release and then asked to serve another calling.  To be honest, I was extremely excited as they extended a call for me to work in the Young Women's Presidency. Up to this point I had not had the opportunity to do so. I love the Young Women, I love the program,  and I remember and love the memories I created at that time in my life.  I know with every fiber of my heart that the callings that we receive are from God, they are what we need at that time in our lives, they are things that will help us to continue to learn and grow. Sometimes, it is that someone needs us in that calling, to be an important part in their life and other times, it is just plainly that it is what we need. But most of the time it is a combination of the two.

The months preceding my call I had thoughts about the youth, about teaching them, I had that desire placed in my heart. The week prior to my calling, I watched the beautiful Young Women in our ward present a beautiful sacrament meeting program. I remember looking at them and thinking what remarkable young women they are!  I was filled with excitement as well as a being little nervous. Young Women is all new to me. I have not been in Young Women since I was one myself.  I also, hoped that the girls would like me :).

So, as I sat in the bishop's office I was a mix of emotions, excitement for my new calling. But, also sadness for leaving my old calling. It didn't really hit me until a couple days later. It was at night when I should have been sleeping that it really hit me. I realized that this next Sunday would be filled with a bunch of lasts. The last time in the primary room with those precious little children, the last time attending ward council, and the last time working with the wonderful leaders and teachers. I thought about how it all would be made final in sacrament meeting when the congregation would raise their right hand extending a vote of thanks. But as these thoughts circled around in my head I also had the exhilarating thoughts of my new calling and the young women that I would be able to grow spiritually with.  As I thought of the young women and the upcoming year I really became filled with excitement.  I know that this is the thing right now in my life that I need to help me progress. Hopefully, I can also, help with the progression of these young women that we can work together and bless each others lives.

Today, was the day. The day I said my goodbyes to the children as their primary president, my last day of ward council, the last day serving with my wonderful presidency, leaders and teachers. It is sad to say goodbye! But as I listened in sacrament meeting to who the new primary presidency would be and as I stood to be sustained in my new calling. My feelings of sadness were replaced with those of excitement. Excitement for the new primary president. I am so excited for her and the wonderful experiences she is about to have. Excitement for the new group of wonderful women I am going to be able to work with and the beautiful young women we are going to be able to advise. Life is full of changes, these changes help us to reach our potential. It is like puzzle, when each piece is put together you are left with a beautiful picture. Same with our lives, each new experience is like a piece to the puzzle. When experienced it helps in creating the beautiful masterpiece of what we are to be.

If anyone wants to listen to an inspiring talk about callings, here it is: Rise to Your Call. I listened to this talk, just before posting this post! What a great talk.

DIY: Toilet Paper Pumpkin and Bean Napkin Ring

Some more fall/Thanksgiving crafts to add to the list.  Years ago my family got  together and made some pumpkins using toilet paper as the stuffing.  The fabric we used was orange and pumkiny. This year I really wanted to make one that was more neutral and I love how it turned out! Here is what you will need and what you will need to do:

Be Grateful! Thanksgiving Crafts and Ideas 2014

 I wanted to take some time and focus on a holiday that seems to be overshadowed. Thanksgiving: On Wikipedia it states, "Thanksgiving Day ... is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year."  For me it is also a time that I can bring a special focus on all that I have been blessed with. Let's just face it, turkeys, tee pees, pilgrims and pumpkin everything are some great stuff!

Here are some Thanksgiving Ideas:

Gobble, Gobble, Turkey Thanksgiving Wreath!

Yes, this time I finished my little turkeys to put on the wreath with time to spare. I wanted to share the printable that I used for the template for my turkeys and also, how I used a cereal box to make these cute little gobblers.

LDS Sharing Time November 2014 Week 4: Forgiveness brings peace.

November 2014 Sharing Time Topic: Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family

November 2014 Scripture:  “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”). 

November 2014  Week 4 Topic:  Forgiveness brings peace.

Family Home Evening on Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family (November 2014 Primary Sharing Time Theme)

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

 Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family (November 2014 Primary Sharing Time Theme)

Free Printable:

LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas November: Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance

For November the topic for "Come Follow Me" is,

Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance

November 2014 Visiting Teaching Message: "Sharing Your Light" By: Neill F. Marriott (General Women's Conference)

November 2014 Relief Society Visiting Teaching Message: 

November's Visiting Teaching Message can be any of the talks given at General Conference.  It is always so hard for me to choose, because I love each of the talks.  I decided that I would choose one from the General Women's Conference. As I was choosing which one to give, I decided on this talk by Sister Marriott. 

LDS Sharing Time November 2014 Week 3: Repentance is a change of mind and heart.

November 2014 Sharing Time Topic: Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family

November 2014 Scripture:  “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”). 

November 2014  Week 3 Topic:  Repentance is a change of mind and heart. 

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