LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas October: Becoming More Christlike

For October the topic for "Come Follow Me" is,

Becoming More Christlike
 Here are the links to each organizations page for the month: Young WomenAaronic PriesthoodSunday School

Since, each organization has their own outlines and each lesson will need to be specified to the individual class members and there are already amazing outlines that can be used for guidance, I am only going to share some general ideas that can just be used as supplements.

Here is the Scripture for the month:

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Lesson Ideas: 
There are so many topics to choose from this month. I am just giving supplemental ideas to a few of them. Please refer to the church's website for the wonderful outlines they have for all of the topics, see links below. 

  • How can I become more Christlike?  (See Christlike Attribute Printable Below) As the Young Women walk in hand them an envelope ask them not to open it until they are asked to.  When it is time, have each Young Women open up her envelop. Ask her to look at the card inside, but to not let anyone else see it nor tell anyone else what it says.  Have the Young Women think about what their card says and what they can do to develop that Christlike quality.  Invite one young women at a time to come up and describe the Christlike attribute they were given, with out saying the actual word. Have the other Young Women guess what that attribute is. Continue with each Young Women. Show the video: Christlike Attributes 

  • How can I develop Christlike love?  Before class write on the board each member of the classes name.  During class give each Young Women a paper heart (see printable below). Invite each young women to place their heart next to their name on the board. Play the video: Good Shepherd.  Explain that our Savior and our Heavenly Father know each of us by name. They love us just as the good shepherd love each one of his sheep.  Have the young women look at the board that has the class member's names and the hearts placed next to the ones that are there. Explain that Christ love is unconditional. Discuss with the Young women how they can develop Christlike love and what they can do to show Christlike love to their classmates who are not in attendance.
  • How can I be more Christlike in my service to others?  Play the video: Opportunities to Do Good.  Discuss with the young women how they can pray for opportunities to serve others and how to listen to the promptings given to them.  Invite each young women to write on the board a way they could serve someone.
  • How can I learn to be more patient? I really like this idea: "Show the video “Continue in Patience,” and invite the young women to discuss what they learn about patience from the video. What are some situations in which the young women become impatient? Invite each young woman to read one section from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Continue in Patience,” and ask her to summarize for the rest of the class what she learned from the section she read. How can President Uchtdorf’s counsel help the young women become more patient?" (Come Follow Me)
  • Why is it important to be grateful?  ABC Gratitude (see below): Give each Young Women a ABC Gratitude paper. Give them one minute to write down something for each letter of the alphabet that they are grateful for.  "Why do we sometimes overlook the seemingly small blessings the Lord has given us? Ask a class member to read Doctrine and Covenants 46:32 or 59:21. How can we show more gratitude for “whatsoever blessing [we] are blessed with”?" (Come Follow Me)

Aaronic Priesthood: (See ideas above under Young Women)

Idea's for Mutual:

Here is a link to the Youth Activities Planning Site. 

Printing tip: Click on the image and save to your computer. You will then be able to print the image from your computer.

For previous post of "Come Follow Me" ideas click here.


  1. Thank you so much for this. My husband and I are new youth Sunday School teachers and we're a little bit nervous. This helps us out a great deal.

    1. You are so welcome!! What I've found with the youth is really try to apply the lessons into their lives, get them involved in the discussion :)
