LDS Primary Sharing Time August 2014 Week 5 Ideas

Here are some ideas that could be used for August 2014 Fifth Sunday Sharing Time:
August 2014 Sharing Time Topic: Participating in Wholesome Activities Will Strengthen My Family

August 2014 Scripture:  “Successful . . . families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”). 

  1. Turn the time over to the Primary Chorister so she can review the songs that will be used for the Primary Sacrament Meeting Program.  Here is a fun link to a printable and idea for review: 

    2014 LDS Primary Program Song Review Printable

  2. This Family Home Evening the August's Topic could be adapted into a sharing time: 

    Family Home Evening on Participating in Wholesome Activities Will Strengthen My Family (LDS Primary Theme for August 2014)

  3. Here are some more ideas of posts for August Sharing Times. There might be an idea that you might not have used this month, that would be a good fit for your primary to use the fifth Sunday:

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