LDS Primary Sharing Time July 2014 Week 2: I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation

July 2014 Sharing Time Topic: We Become Members of the Church through Baptism and Confirmation

July 2014 Scripture: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). 

July 2014  Week 2 Topic:   I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.  

Make or gather props for "news cast": microphone, a sign that says "Primary News", if desired. 

Gather pictures of baptism and confirmation

Before hand talk to and invite one of the primary children who has been baptized to be one of your news cast guests. Ask them to come prepared to share what blessings they have received from being baptized and confirmed a member of the church.

Also, before primary begins hand out the interview cards to some primary children.  Have them read the scripture to themselves and explain to them that during sharing time you are going to ask them a question and that you would like them to answer it.

Prepare the sign, "I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation" 

Free Printables: (Printing Tip: Click on image to open and then save image to your computer.  You can then print the image from your computer.

Sharing Time Instruction:

In using the ideas in the "2014 Outlines for Sharing Time",  stand at the front of the room holding a microphone (you could use a real one or make one using a Styrofoam ball for the top of the microphone and a wooden dowel for the bottom. Paint them black). 

Begin by saying, "Welcome to, ________________ward Primary News. I am reporting today from the _______________ward/branch primary room.  We have some wonderful news that we would like to share with our viewers, 'each one of you can become a member of the true Church of Jesus Christ! This is one of the most important things you can do in your life. You become a member of the Church through baptism (show a picture of a child being baptized) and confirmation (show a picture of a child being confirmed).'(from the 2014 Outlines for Sharing Time). We have ________ (invite a child who has been baptized) in the newsroom with us today.  __________we are so glad you are with us today, please tell our viewers what blessings you have received from being baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" Allow the primary child to answer.  

"Thank you so much for sharing.  Now we are going to go out into the field to find out what baptism and confirmation is all about."  Walk towards where the primary children are seated. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #1 card and ask them, "Why must a person be baptized?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #2 card and ask them, "When is a person old enough to be baptized?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #3 card and ask them, "Who can baptize a person?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #4 card and ask them, "How should a person be baptized?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #5 card and ask them, "What does baptism symbolize?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #6 card and ask them, "How can a person prepare for baptism?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #7 card and ask them, "What does someone promise when they are baptized?" Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. Go up to the primary child who was given the interview #8 card and ask them, "What do you promise every Sunday when you partake of the sacrament and renew your baptismal covenants?"  Allow them to answer and thank them for their response. End by saying, "And there you have it friends, strait to you from the __________________ ward primary children. Each of us can become a member of the church through baptism and confirmation!" 

Close by sharing your testimony on the weeks topic.

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas 

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, you can find a link here: 2014 Sharing Time Outline.


  1. love this idea!!! So cute! Thanks for your awesome ideas!

  2. You are so amazing at having these lessons ready ahead of time, and sharing them with the world. Thank you so much for making my calling that much easier :)

  3. Thanks Braden & Jacinda for your comments! I loved reading your comments :)

  4. Thank you for your printables! Saves me so much time not having to make them myself every time! And thank you for preparing them so far ahead that we can use them - it really helps a lot!

  5. I find that I almost always end up using your ideas in my sharing time. Thank you so much! If I could make one improvement it would be to have a printable pdf file that had your printables and your script all in one. Thanks again!!!

  6. Thank you so much for the printables! I have a question though: what do you think would be a good way to modify this for junior primary kids? Most of them aren't readers yet and I'm trying to figure out a fun modification that isn't just their teachers reading the scriptures...


  7. Sarah, Thanks so much for leaving your comment and visiting the blog :)

    Ronna, Thanks for your comment! I will look into creating a pdf file for future posts.

    Em- Thanks for your comment, also. In regards to your question. An idea for junior primary could either, simply to ask them the interview questions. Or you could hand some kids some pictures that would go with the questions, have them think about the pictures and what they might mean and then ask the interview questions. Hope that makes sense :)

  8. Thank you for the printables, it made my night to find these. I especially love the Newsflash one!

  9. Thanks for your ideas and printables! However, do you think it would be possible to create them on a white background? They're super cute, I just feel like I'm using a lot of ink to make them gray. :-) I'd print them all the time if they were white instead. It's probably something small and picky, so I'm sorry, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks for sharing your talents!

  10. Corrie- thanks so much for leaving a comment! I love reading them.

  11. Laura F.- I am so sorry it is printing grey for you. When I print them from my computer it is just a white background. When I create them on the program I use, the background is a white background there also. I would love to hear if anyone else is having issues with it printing a grey background. Sorry Laura, I will see what I can figure out. One last thought are you using a laser printer or an ink jet printer?

  12. They always print grey for me too. :) I use a b&w laser printer and a color ink jet, and there is a color cast.

    Kim, I found on my blog (I do a lot of printables) that anything I created using a white background, blogger "enhanced" it to have an ugly gray background that I didn't intend. I was able to fix it by going into my Google + account, then clicked on HOME(on my screen, it was on the left hand side, towards the top), and then on settings. Then, finally, there is a place halfway down that page to uncheck "auto-enhance."

    That removed the grayness from my images and made it so people could print them as I hoped. :) I bet if you do that, it will probably fix it to be the white background for all of us to print!

  13. Kristin, Thank you, Thank you... for your comment and knowledge!! I had no idea that google + just auto enhanced the images. I have set my option to off as you have suggested and have had to go through and re-upload my images. Thanks for the advise!!

  14. I am glad it helped! It is crazy that it does it. :)

    Thanks so much for the time you put into these - I appreciate them so much and use them nearly every time I do sharing time!

  15. Thank you so much for taking the time to create and post such great ideas and printables! Your ideas are wonderful and so easy to follow. I am grateful everyday for your talents and willingness to share, since my talents lie elsewhere...

  16. Thank you so much Heather P. for your nice comments! It really is the most wonderful thing that each of us have unique talents and we are able to share them to help each other out :)
