LDS Primary Sharing Time April 2014 Week 4: I can show love to each member of my family.

Since, we have General Conference this Sunday, I am going to take the opportunity to get ahead with my Primary Sharing Time Outline posts.  I will now be trying to post the sharing time outlines two Tuesday's before the Sunday they will be used.  April is kind of a different month, since we will only have 3 Sundays, in which sharing time will be used.  I have decided to combine Week 1 and Week 2 sharing time topics this month. Here is the plan that our primary will be following for the month: April 13, 2014- Week 1 & Week 2, April 20, 2014- Week 3 & Easter, April 27, 2014-Week 4. 

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Identify the doctrine: I can show love to each member of my family. Print the signs for the family member and prepare for them to be place on the children. Prepare the, "I can show love to each member of my family" poster. See printables below

Help the Children Understand the Doctrine: Prepare Paper Hearts. Place under chairs before primary.

Help them apply the doctrine in their lives: Prepare to give each child a heart to take home. Print onto colored paper.

Free Printables:

Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin sharing time, by explaining that we are going to play a game of Guess Who.  Explain that to play this game, you are going to give the children clues about a person and they need to guess who that person is from the clues you give.

Here are the clues for each family member:

Mother: This person is a female, she is the person who loves and nurtures her children. She works together with her spouse, in raising her children in love and righteousness.

Father: This person is a male, he has the responsibility of presiding over his family. He works hard to provide for their needs. He works in a partnership with his spouse, in raising his children in love and righteousness.

Brother: This person is a boy, he might like to play outside and get dirty. He has the same parents as his sister.

Sister: This person is a girl, she might like to follow her mom around the house and want to be just like her when she grows-up. She has the same parents as her brother.

Grandpa: This person is your dad's dad or your mom's dad. He loves you!

Grandma: This person is you dad's mom or your mom's mom. She loves giving you kisses and hugs.

Aunt: This person is a female, she grew up with your dad or your mom. She is the mom of your cousins.

Uncle: This person is a male, he grew up with your dad or your mom. He is the dad of your cousins.

Cousin: This could be a boy or a girl and might be about your same age. They are the children of your uncles and aunts.

As you give the clues about the person allow the children to guess who that person is.  After the person has been guess correctly, invite one of the primary children to come up and place the name tag on them.  Continue with giving clues and guessing until all of the family members have been guessed and their is a child up at the front of the room representing each of the family members.

Explain that every family is different. We might not have all of the people in our family. But, all families have one thing in common, Do you know what that one thing is?  Allow the children to give their ideas of what that one thing could be, thank them for their participation.  Explain, that the one thing that all families have in common is LOVE.  Place the Heart poster on the board and have the children repeat, " I can show love to each member of my family."

Thank the children for their help and have them go and sit down.

Have all of the children look under their chairs to see if they have a heart under their chair.  Invite one child with the paper heart up at a time. On the heart it will say a family members name, ask that child to tell you one way they could show love to that family member.  Thank them for their participation and put the heart on the board, underneath the poster that says, "I can show love to each member of my family". Continue with each one of the hearts.

Explain that sometimes we have family members that live far away, ask the children to raise their hands if they have an idea of how they could show love to these family members.  (Answers might include: Call them on the phone to talk to them and express your love for them. Write them a letter, or draw them a picture. Make a video and email it to them, or you could do face time. Make them a small homemade gift and mail it to them)

Explain that as we show our family members that we love them, our family will be much happier. One idea might be to be the family peace maker.  A peacemaker is someone who tries to keep the peace. So if there is some fighting or arguing going on then they try to bring peace to the situation.  For example, if you are playing with your sister or brother and they decide that they don't like playing what you want to play and start getting mad and upset. You might get upset and start to argue with your brother or sister. But if you choose to be the family peacemaker, then you would try to solve the situation and compromise with your sibling. Maybe you would choose to play what they want to play for a while and then play what you want to play.  Then everyone would be happy and their would be more peace in your home.

Ask the primary children if they would like to be "Happy Home Helpers"?  Explain to be a "Happy Home Helper" they will need to look for ways at home to show love to each one of their family members.  Give each of the children a paper heart.  Explain that one of the things you would like them to do as a "Happy Home Helper" is to go home today and find something that they could do for a member of their family. Do that thing to show love for that family member, write or draw a picture about how much you love that family member, or something you love about them. Then give them the heart.  Continue to show love for each family member throughout the week and we will follow-up with how it went, and how much happier your family and yourself were by being the "Happy Home Helper".

Bear your testimony about showing love to family members and how it can bring peace and happiness to homes. 

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas 

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, you can find a link here: 2014 Sharing Time Outline.


  1. Hi Kim! My name is Katie and I just wanted to say how thankful I am that there are people like you willing to share their talents and ideas to spread the gospel to our children. I am a young mother and was just called into our primary presidency! I have no idea what I am doing and am a little intimidated. So what did I do... I went to Pinterest for help! Haha I found your blog and now I have direction! Thanks again for your willingness to help others that you don't even know!

  2. Hi Kim! My name is Katie and I just wanted to say how thankful I am that there are people like you willing to share their talents and ideas to spread the gospel to our children. I am a young mother and was just called into our primary presidency! I have no idea what I am doing and am a little intimidated. So what did I do... I went to Pinterest for help! Haha I found your blog and now I have direction! Thanks again for your willingness to help others that you don't even know!

  3. Katie, I am so glad you found my blog! Working with the primary kids is so rewarding, I am sure you will love it! Thank you so much for your kind compliments. Please let me know if there is anything specific you ever need help with.

  4. I love this! Thank you for sticking to the outline, but making it more interesting!

  5. Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas, and your adorable printables!! I use them all the time, so thank you for all your hard work :)

  6. Thank you so much! This is just what I wanted for my sharing time this week!

  7. Thanks for your comments, all of you! It makes my day to receive a comment. Hope all of your sharing times go well :)
