Family Home Evening on Having Good Manners, Courtesy and Like-able Qualities.

I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest."  On there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: Having Good Manners, Courtesy and Like-able Qualities.(This will fulfill two requirements in the Faith in God Booklet under the Serving Others category)

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Kindness Begins With Me" Children's Songbook pg 145

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Follow-up with last weeks FHE.

Introduce this weeks Topic: Having Good Manners, Courtesy and Like-able Qualities.

Scripture: Read and Mark: Luke 6:31

Article of Faith: #3 "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel." Repeat this Article of Faith as a Family. Help each family member to understand the meaning. Help each family member memorize the Article of Faith.

Begin family night with dinner.  Before dinner, explain that as a family you are going to have an etiquette dinner.  Have family members help set the dinner table so the plates, glasses, utensils and napkins are in all of the proper places. Here is a great image that shows place settings:  I Love to Cook.  Depending on your meal you probably won't have as many forks, knives, glasses, etc. that they do in the image.  

When dinner is ready, invite your family to come and eat.  Before everyone sits down explain to the family members good table manners. Here are some ideas:

"• Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit at a table.
• Put your napkin on your lap.
• Sit up straight.
• Don’t talk with your mouth full.
• Wait until everyone at the table has been served before you begin eating.
• When asking for something to be passed to you, say please and thank you.
• Alert the host or hostess before you arrive if you have allergies. They will likely be glad to adjust the menu to make you feel welcome and comfortable.
• When serving yourself, take small portions the first time at a buffet or the first time the food is passed around." (These ideas came from Good Manners Still Make Sense

I would also like to add:
- Before leaving the dinner table, ask to be dismissed.
- Chew your food completely and swallow it, before putting more food in your mouth (can you tell I have boys?)
- Use inside voices and respectful language at the dinner table.

Ask everyone to have a seat and begin your meal. Complement family members as they are using good manners.

After the meal is complete and everyone has been dismissed. Gather for the rest of Family Home Evening. 

Give each family member a paper labeled: Qualities You Like in a Person, see free printable below.  Ask family members to fill out the paper.  

Some Qualities Might Include:
Hard Working
Trust worthy

After paper is filled out discuss the answers as a family.  Explain that when we show respect and kindness it strengthens our relationships with our family and others.  It also helps us feel good about our selves and helps others feel good about themselves.

Read this statement: "Courtesy is a natural outgrowth of the refining influence of the Spirit of the Lord." —Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Have family member's right on the paper what some polite words or phrases are. The list might include:
Thank you
Your Welcome
Excuse Me
Bless you
May I 

Discuss as a family why it is important to speak politely.

Share with your family some ideas of how to use good manners and show courtesy towards others:

"• Stand when an outsider—man or woman—enters the group.
• When you are introduced, shake hands, make eye contact with the new person, and say their name, “Hello, Tiffany,” or “Hello, Mr. Roberts.”
• Learn to introduce people to each other.
The concept behind introductions is simple: remember to say the name of the most important person first. What makes someone important? Age, gender, or title. So, say the older person’s name first: “Grandpa, this is my friend, Jason.” If people are about the same age, say the woman’s name first, “Lucy, this is my friend, Tyler.” Or, first say the person with a title, “Bishop Manwaring, this is my uncle Max Johnson.”
• Stop thinking about yourself. Think about making the other person comfortable.
• Prepare three harmless questions to start a conversation, like “Tell me about [your work, your vacation, your hobbies, your family].” Or, “What do you like best about [living in Cincinnati, winters in Colorado, the first half of the play]?”
• Avoid saying “I,” “me,” or “mine” all the time.
• Remember, being interested is more important than being interesting.
• Watch for people nearby whom you can include.

• Choose language that portrays courtesy. Offensive words are insensitive to everyone." (These Ideas came from  Good Manners Still Make Sense BY KAYE TERRY HANSON)

Discuss as a family how important it is to say thank you. Share these ideas of how to be thankful:
"• A thank-you note should mention the gift or service specifically and include a sentence or two about how that gift or service is valuable to you.
Dear Aunt Alice,

Thank you for the book about sea creatures that you sent for my birthday. This book will be great for a report I’m working on for school. I’ll think of you every time I read the book.

Love, Darrin

• When someone does you a favor, however small, you should thank them. You will gain a reputation of being well-mannered, because you are.
• Consider thanking someone you don’t even know for a speech you heard, a fireside they organized, or a book they wrote.
• Write a note of congratulations on a promotion, an achievement, or reaching a milestone.
• Learn to accept compliments by smiling and saying thank you.

• Learn to say “You’re welcome.”"(These Ideas came from  Good Manners Still Make Sense BY KAYE TERRY HANSON)

If you have young children it might be a good idea to discuss proper manners in Primary and Sacrament meeting.  Here is a wonderful article on the subject: Primary Manners
BY JAN PINBOROUGH.  First, explain why it is important to have good manners at church.  Explain that it is our Heavenly Father's house and we need to show respect. Explain that we are reverent because we love our Heavenly Father and so we act certain ways to show that love to him.

Here are some ideas of how to have good manners at church:
-When entering the church house walk quietly through the halls. 
-Use quiet, inside voices
-When someone is talking, do not talk, and listen inventively
-Raise your hand if you would like to speak and wait to be called upon. 
-Sit quietly in your chairs
-Fold arms
-Eyes on whoever is upfront speaking
-Use respectful, polite language
-Do not rustle with papers or play games on electronics
-In the chapel remember that this is the most sacred place in the church house. Think of the Savior and Heavenly Father. Listen to what the speakers are saying, try to feel the spirit. Be very reverent during the sacrament. 

Discuss ways as a family that you might show more reverence during Sacrament meeting. 

Thank your family members for their participation in Family Home Evening. 

Bear testimonies on how using Good Manners and Courtesy can help strengthen relationships. And how striving to have Like-able Qualities helps us have a more Christ-Like character.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Free Printables: Best way to print printables is to click on the image and save it to your computer. You will then be able to print the image from your computer.

For More Family Home Evening Ideas Click this Link: Family Home Evening Ideas

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