Visit Teaching Message Handout February 2014: The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Good Shepherd

This month's Visit teaching message is, "The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Good Shepherd".  As I was reading the message I was extremely impressed by this scripture, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. … And I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:14–15).  Our Savior and elder brother Jesus Christ, knows us so intensely and deeply.  He not only laid down his life for each of us, but suffered every pain.  He knows our sorrows and heartaches.  He knows what we are going through when we fall short and get frustrated with ourselves.  We are never alone, we can never say that nobody knows what we are going through, because our Savior does.  His atonement is continuous.  He is our shepherd. He desires for each of us to make full use of the atonement. Jesus taught,  “I say unto you, that … joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:4, 7). 

 President Monson said, “We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children.”  Service is an amazing thing! The person who is serving is blessed and the person being served is blessed.  It is always a win, win situation. Service strengthens relationships.  I am so grateful for the times I have been served and for the times I have been able to serve others.  When we loose ourselves in service we forget about our own troubles.  We become happier people. Wouldn't it be great to think of some ways we can serve the sisters we visit and strengthen our relationships? 

Below, is the handout I will be giving to the sister's I visit. It has some of the main points from this month's message. 

Here is a tag you could attach to a bag of heart candies, to give as a little treat to your sisters.


  1. Thank you so much!
    I speak English as a second language and I attend an English speaking ward.
    I read the Visiting Teaching message a couple of times and I was looking for a way to deliver it so that my sisters could easily understand it.
    Finding your blog was a blessing for me. It was just what I needed.
    Luz (New York)

  2. Kara & Luz, Thanks so much for your comments! I love when I hear that my posts can help others out a little bit.
