Pursuit of Excellence Goal: Read a book & Preparedness: Go Bag

I love that there is something that Sisters can get ideas from to help better themselves.  I remember being in Young Women and doing the Personal Progress Program.  The personal growth that came from setting goals and doing activities that helped me grow closer to my Heavenly Father and helped my testimony grow.  The primary aged girls have their Faith in God program that does the same thing.  So, wouldn't it be fitting for there to be something to help us women (men can also work on the Pursuit of Excellence) set goals and draw closer to our Heavenly Father.  Here is the link to the Pursuit of Excellence pamphlet.  I wanted to post the goal that I am going to be focusing on each week.  I also thought I would post a little preparedness tip this week, also.

This week's Goal is:

Read a book that will increase your faith and strengthen you spiritually.

There are some great books out there that can increase our faith and strengthen us spiritually.  I am currently reading, "The Power of Everyday Missionaries" by Clayton M. Christensen.  Here is a link to his website if you are interested. This book was really talked up in our ward council months ago.  So, I purchased the book and began reading it.  It was funny because at our tithing settlement the bishopric gave us one to read and pass on.  So, I told my hubby he could read that one.  It has taken me a little bit longer to get through it, because December was a crazy month.  I have recommitted to reading some of it every night and I am hoping to complete it this week.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, it has strengthened my resolve to be a better member missionary. Clayton gives personal experiences in the book of what has worked for him in regards to sharing the gospel with others. I am amazed at what a wonderful missionary he has been throughout his life.  The Gospel is so important to me in my life and I truly desire for everyone I know to have that same blessing in their lives.  I want them to have the knowledge that they are a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves them and knows them and desires each of us to speak with him each day.  I want them to have the understanding of the gospel plan. To know that we have an elder brother, Jesus Christ, who suffered and atoned for every mistake that we will make in this life.  He did this because he loves us and there would be no other way for us to return to our Father's presence. That he was resurrected so we could too. I want them to have the love of the scriptures and the knowledge that the words written in them are true.  I want them to feel the love that comes from the bishopric and members of a ward and how each member uses their talents to strengthen each other.  I want them to have the gospel in their lives because it gives each of us purpose and direction.

Being Prepared!

I had been posting each week ways to be prepared and then the holidays came.  So, lets jump right back in.  I had previously posted some items to gather for the Go Bag, that each family member should have in the rooms to grab and go in case of an emergency. 

Let's review what we have gathered for our bags already:
o Obtain a bag to put the items in, backpacks work great.
o Gather Personal Identification Information
o Change of Clothing

Let's add to the bag this week, by adding:
o A Comfort Bag: A couple years ago, my son's teacher asked us to put some items in a Ziploc bag to send to school in case of an emergency.  I loved this idea, at the end of the year they sent the items back home.  I thought it would be a great idea to put these items in each of the Go Bags.  Here is a list of the items:

- Glow Sticks or a flashlight (the wind up are great because you do not need to worry about replacing batteries each year)
- A deflated balloon with their name on it and a smiley face (this could be used for some entertainment)
- A small bouncy ball
- Poncho
- Card game 
- Emergency Blanket (those silver things that are all folded up)
- A picture of your family
- Some hard candy such as "Life Savers"
Put all of the above items in a Ziploc baggy and place in the Go Bag.

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