Fabulous Find Friday - 4th of July Treats/Food

Look at all of these yummy Red, White and Blue treats!

Yum! Chocolate covered strawberries, they are so cute too. I found this picture and these delicious little berries at Baking bites.

I love these red vines.  There is a cute tutorial over at Room to Inspire.

These are seriously pretty cool.  I know my boys would think they are pretty neat! You can find the tutorial over atShe knows.

Rice crispier squares are always great to have at a party. These ones are so fun with there red, white, and blue layers.  Check outtheinstructions to make these by clicking on this link.

Thrifty Thursday - DIY Personalized Notebook

The other day I made these with my kids.  They loved it, because they are personalized! They couldn't wait to get writing in them.

So, I basically made these for free!  All you need is:
- An empty cereal box
- Scrapbook paper
- Glue & paint brush
- Paper for the inside (I used printer paper)
-String and a needle
- A small 1/4 of an inch hole punch
- Anything you'd like to embellish it with (stickers, cutouts, sandpaper and ink to antique, etc.)
- Paper cutter and scissors

Step 1
Cut cereal box.  I cut my cover 4.5 inches X 9 inches.

Step 2
 Fold the cereal box cut out in half, smoothing crease with a bone folder or finger.

Step 3
Cut out the papers for the inside.  Make them about 1/4 of an inch smaller than your cereal box.  So, for mine I cut them 4.25 inches X 8.50.  I used three 8.50 X 11 pieces of paper, cutting them twice so each book would have 12 pieces of paper when folded in half. 

Step 4
After folding the inside pages in half, take a hole punch and punch two holes along the crease about 1 inch apart.  I just eyeballed it to make sure they were the same distance from each side.  Next place the inside pages on top of the cover. Through the holes mark where they need to be punched.  Fold the cover and punch with a hole punch.

Step 5
Put the cereal box cut out cover on top of the scrapbook paper and mark the size. Then cut it out to the same size.

Step 6
Open back up and apply glue to the side with writing.  You could use white glue with a paint brush, or a glue stick, or mod podge.  Smooth the scrapbook paper on to the glue covered cereal box. make sure you get all bubbles out.  Fold back in half and allow to dry.

Step 7
When it has dried you can cut or file off any over hang from the scrapbook paper. Also, now would be the time to embellish.  For this one, I sanded all of the sides.  Make sure when doing this you sand outwards.  After sanding I applied some ink with a beauty sponge. Then since my scrapbook paper was double sided I cut out a square and turned it over for the checkerboard patterned paper.  Then I cut a flower out of that same paper. I used the extra white paper and cut out a flower with it and distressed it with some ink.  Then I layered them all onto the cover.

Step 8:
Putting it all together.  I used some sting that I bought at the dollar store.  You could really use anything you have (Bakers twine, ribbon, yarn, etc.) I have a needle with a big eye that I was able to string it through.  Put your inside paper inside of the cover. Then poke and string it through all of the holes.  I started on the outside and strung it inside then strung it back out through the other hole.  I then tied it in a double knot and on some I did a double bow.

These are my kids creations.

I originally was going to have them use them outside and do a little activity with them.  Like leaf tracing. But my oldest was way to excited and gave his a title and started writing in it, before I could say otherwise.  That's okay, we can make more and do something like that another day.

Wisdom Wednesday - Crayon Box Tutorial (Re-post)

A few years ago I did a post on a Crayon Box Tutorial.  I thought that today for Wisdom Wednesday I would re-post it, since it has been a while.

Here is the link to the tutorial : Crayon Box.

Take Care Tuesday - DIY Nail Art

'Tis the season for sandals, flip flops, and bare feet.  Here are some fun tips and ideas, to keep our toe nails looking pretty.

I love this French Manicure on these toe nails. Visit Becomegorgeous.com to view this and more French Manicure designs.

This flower design on these black nails is gorgeous! Click on this link and it will take you to a page you can click on he step by step tutorial.

Here is a site that gives you a bunch of ideas for the do it your selfers. I love these dotted flower toes, I also like the dotted toe nails on this site also.  Visit Stylecraze.

Mommy Monday - Repentance and Forgiveness Family Home Evening (June Week 4 Sharing Time)

Today, this mommy was busy doing mommy/wifely duties. You know, grocery shopping and a much needed cleaning of the kitchen.  So, I thought I would make these printouts for Family Home Evening.  They can also be used for Sharing Time. I think it is so important that our children understand that the atonement is continuous.  We are continually trying to be a better person.  Our Heavenly Father will forgive us as often as we ask him for forgiveness and repent. He knows we are imperfect and that we will continually make mistakes. He knows the intentions of our heart. He loves us and wants us to return to him. We just need to try our best to live his Gospel.

Here are the printouts:

Fabulous Find Friday - 4th of July Fun

Red * White * Blue - We see these colors together and what comes to mind? USA, 4th of July, Freedom, Bravery, Our Flag, Fireworks....  The 4th of July is such a fun time to get together with friends and family!  Here are some fun ideas I have found...

These would be such a fun favor!  These " fireworks " can be found over at Martha Stewart at the link.

I love the bandana look of these stars.  I found these over at Finding Home Online.

I thought this place setting is adorable.  I found it over at Uncommon Designs.

Thrifty Thursday Tip

I was low on time today for the post, so I thought I'd give a little thrifty tip.  My tip is to sign -up for coupons at your local restaurants. We use this a lot!  It can make a big difference in your bill.

Wisdom Wednesday - Doughnut Cake

Here is a fun and easy treat! I actually made this for my friend, we were celebrating at a park with our kiddos. It was a huge hit with the kids!!! I think they were gone in a matter of seconds.

Basically all I did was start with the chocolate mini doughnuts and place them around the plate in a circle and placing one in the middle.  I just used a paper plate, but it might have been more sturdy had I done it on a normal plate or a cake stand.  Anyways, after the chocolate layer I did the powdered layer, then another chocolate layer, then the powdered.  The last powdered layer had I think one fewer doughnut on it, because I wanted to close in the circle a little bit, since it was the top.  I secured the doughnuts by inserting a tooth pick into each of the top doughnuts. It secured them to the ones below, so when moving the cake they all didn't collapse. Add a candle and there you have it a fun easy cake.

Take Care Tuesday - Beauty Tips

There are so many tips out there.  We all like to look and feel the best that we can.  Here are some tips that I have found.  Some I have tried and some I have not.

This website has some fun beauty tips click here to visit! Everything, from hairs, nails, make-up and the many uses of Vaseline.

Check out the many uses of Coconut Oil over at Wikihow.  I have not tried this one yet, but I am going to try it on my hair.

Olive Oil!! It is great.  My son had these very rough dry elbow this winter so I prepared an exfoliate using lemon juice, salt and olive oil.  I applied it to his elbows in a circular motion. Then rinsed it off. Then I applied either Vaseline or bag balm and sometimes a little hydrocortizone cream.  I repeated this every night before he went to bed and his elbows were normal within just a few days.  I've heard of it's uses on skin and hair also.

Water!!! Our Body Needs it!!  Make sure you are getting enough water each day.  If you can't stand it without flavoring, then add some.  Lemons and limes are great.

Exercise- Be active!  When you exercise you have more energy, you look healthier and younger!

Sleep- Get enough sleep.  You can tell when you don't, you start to get those dark puffy circles under your eyes.

Eat Good Foods! It does matter what you eat.  There are certain foods that contain nutrients that our skin and hair and nails need to look healthy.

I would say though that inner beauty has to be the most important!  When we feel good about ourselves, who we are and what we do.  Then it shows on the outside.  Have you ever noticed that someone who smiles is much more beautiful than someone who continually looks grumpy. Set time aside to become the person you want to be.

Mommy Monday - Firework Craft for the 4th of July- Free Printable

The 4th of July is quickly approaching, so today me and my boys made some fireworks.  Not real fireworks of course, but crafty ones, made out of everything I already had at home in my craft stash.  I am big on up-cycling or re-purposing.  So, I save my empty paper towel rolls and some of my cereal boxes, some jars, etc.

What you will need for today's craft:  2 empty paper towel rolls, an empty cereal box, at least 9 plastic grocery bags, Red, White and Blue paper (2 sheets of each), Glue gun, glue gun sticks, glue sticks, pencil, scissors, paper cutter, metal skewer, 1 gold pipe cleaner, my free printable (see below), I think that is it.

I'll show you the finished product first to get you excited about the craft.

First printout my printable on card stock. 

Okay so I found out that it is best to do all of the prep work before hand or else the kids gets restless waiting.  I would suggest you cut out all of the pieces, have the papers pre-cut, and the paper towel rolls already cut. Here is all of the prep work and the dimensions I used:

Paper Towel Roll and paper to go around them:
     * The big one I cut to 8 inches in length, so I also cut the red paper to 8 inches by 9 inches.
     * The middle sized I cut to 6.25 inches, so I cut the blue paper to 6.25 inches by 9 inches.
     * The little one I cut to 4.75 inches, so I cut the white paper to 4.75 inches by 9. (You could probably change the last too so medium is 6 inches and little is 5.  A normal paper towel roll is 11 inches, so these two pieces are cut out of 1 roll.)

Top and Bottom pieces out of cereal box:
     * Use the above pattern, cut out piece B and trace it onto a cereal box, now cut it out. (it should be the same size as the top and bottom of the paper towel roll.  If it is bigger, trim it. If it is too small them cut it out bigger).
Top and Bottom pieces out of colored and white paper:
     * Use the above pattern, cut out piece A and trace it onto the colored and white paper.  There should be two white, two red and two blue. The dotted line is for reference of where to cut into. Start at the outer edge of the circle and cut into the dotted line every 1/2 inch.

     * Use the above pattern, cut out piece C and trace it onto the colored and white paper. Then cut them out. I think I had a total of: 7 white stars, 5 red, and 5 blue.

Gold Pipe Cleaner:
    * Cut it into three pieces: 5-6 inches long.  Once inserted they will stick out 4 inches.

Thin Pieces of paper:
    * Cut thin pieces of paper from each color.  You will then wrap each one individual around the metal skewer 4 to 6 times, making it curly.
 Now you are ready for the kiddos.

First step now is deciding who gets to make which firework.  I have three boys so the oldest made the big one, the middle made the middle size and the youngest made the little one. You decide what you would like to do. Give them each the paper towel roll and have them stuff them with the plastic grocery bags.  It took 2 plastic grocery bags for the little one, 3 for the medium and 4 for the big.  This gives it a little bit of weight and makes them sturdier to stand up.

Now, it's time for moms help.  With a hot glue gun, place glue along the top rim, then place one of the cereal box cut out on the glue, make sure the brown part is facing out. Do this to the bottom also. If there is any over hang from the cereal box, trim it off with scissors.

Now let your child put glue from a glue stick all over the top and about 1/2 inch down the top side of the paper towel roll. Now place one of your pieces of the circle paper on it, rub out the top and push down the edges. Do this to both the top and the bottom.

Now have your child tape on the piece of coordinating paper, lining up the top and the bottom.  Wrap it around the paper towel roll and mom hot glue the end in place. 

Time for decorating.  The Red firework gets 4 white and 3 blue stars, the Blue firework gets 3 white and 3 red and the White firework gets 2 red and 2 white. Have the kids place glue on the stars and glue them onto the fireworks.  

Mom gets to poke a small hole in the middle of the top with a metal skewer.  This is where the pipe cleaner or "fuse" goes.  Put some hot glue on the bottom of the pipe cleaner and insert it into the hole.  You can trim it if it looks too long.

Curly Q time: Put a little dab of hot glue on the end of each curly piece and attached it close to the pipe cleaner.

Yay, you are done and have a cute decoration that the kids helped out with. 

I put a link to this on Made By You Monday over at Skip to My Lou.

June sharing time week 3 or FHE idea for Renewal of Baptismal Covenant matching game

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we partake of the sacrament each week.  When we do this we renew the covenants we make when we are baptized.  In D&C  20:77 it says that we promise to, "...take upon them the name of thy son...always remember him...keep his commandments..." and in return Heavenly Father promises to, "...always have his Spirit to be with them...". In Primary the children are learning about, "When I take the sacrament, I renew my baptismal covenants".  I thought that I would reinforce this at home by letting my kids play a little matching game.  I have made these printouts, that you are welcome to print out on 11 x 8.5 card stock.  I thought that we would play the matching game and when they got a match then we would talk about each thing and who made the promise.  So... 

- "Take Upon Them The Name of Thy Son", we would discuss that we take Jesus' name upon us.  That we are members of his church and that we will act as he would have us act, we will follow his example. This is a promise we make to Heavenly Father.
- "Always Remember Him", we will remember all of the things he has done for us.  That he suffered for all of our sins and hurts. And that he died for us and was resurrected that we all might live again. We don't just think about this on Sundays, but always. This is a promise we make to Heavenly Father.
- "Keep His Commandments", we will keep all of Heavenly Father's commandments and be obedient. This is a promise we make to Heavenly Father.
-  "Always Have His Spirit To Be With Them", means that if we keep all of our promises then Heavenly Father will let the spirit be with us always to help lead us and guide us. That is why there is a clock on this paper with no hand, because it is not just a certain time of the day, but always. This is the promise he makes to us.

Fabulous Find Friday - Last Minute Father's Day Gifts

Well, time is winding down, Father's day is in a couple days.  Here are some fun and easy ideas for Father's Day:

I found this cute candy bar covers over at Then She Made....  I love these, they are made from envelopes!  They are so cute and so easy. They would be a great gift to give grandpa's too.

I love the Reese's Pieces idea. I found this one over at Creatively Christy. I like the little tie, it just adds a little something special.

Cute idea if you have a dad or grandpa who likes to fish! I found this over at Busy Bee Kids Crafts.  This would be perfect for my dad.  Or instead of a tackle box, you could use the same idea, but make a tool box and place some kind of little tools that daddy's need to be daddy inside.

These are cute!  I love the antique look they have and aren't pictures just so precious.   We love looking at them and remembering the memories.  I found these blocks over at Storiesbymeblog. I helped my sister-in-law make something similar, where we turned the pictures sephia and mod podged them on to blocks to give to my mom for Mother's Day.  They turned out great and she loves them.

There are so many cute things out there that I could sit here all day.  But duties of being a mom and wife call, so I'll stop here. Happy Father's day to all of the wonderful dad's and grandpa's out there!!

Thrifty Thursday - Gardening Tip

So, today's Thrifty Thursday is going to be a gardening tip.  We started putting in our yard last year and with it came the excitement of buying flowers.  My tip is perennials are amazing and so cost effective.  They come back year after year, if they don't get winter damage.  My next tip is to check out the clearance section, don't buy anything that looks dead, but a lot of times thy will have things that have stopped blooming that you can get for half the price.  That is how I bought my roses, some of my bushes and some of my perennials.  Most of them have come back and look wonderful this year.  Next tip is to ask around and see if anyone has any flowers they need to split.  That is how I got my Lillies, daisies and some of my ground cover.  So that is the best, it's free!  I have actually even split some of them this year, off of my own.  Happy Gardening!

Father's Day Poems-for Daddy & Grandpa

Here are some poems I wrote this year for Daddy's & Grandpa's.  If you would like to print them they are 4.25 X 5.50, which means you can print 4 of them on a 8.5 X 11 paper.

 As always,  I would love to hear of any comments.  It is nice to know that people are looking and whether they like they stuff I am posting on here or not.

Take Care Tuesday - My Favorite Tools for Eyebrows

I found these eye brow shavers a few years back and absolutely love them.  I've tried it all the tweezing and the waxing and I have to say that shaving is the best way to go.  It does not hurt and I feel like I can get it more precise.  I know you can probably get them pretty much anywhere but I get mine in a two pack for $1 at the dollar store. So it doesn't cost much either.  If you are worried about getting the right shape, maybe get them done professionally first and then just upkeep and follow that shape.  Me, I've never had them professionally done I've just found the shape I like and kept it up.    I also use a brow pencil and brush when I am doing my make-up because I have such light eyebrows.

Mommy Monday - Father's Day Card Free printable

With Father's Day approaching I thought I better get my kids to make some cards for their Dad and Grandpa's.  So that is what we are doing today.  I made this little printout, well the drawing looks more like a little kid made it, but that is the point right.  I did it black and white so my kids could color on it and make it more personalized.  Then inside is a little daddy poem and a blank page that they can write a little note or draw something.  Sorry, I just did a boy one, because well, that is all I have in my family are crazy little boys.

 Father's Day Card Outside

Father's Day Card Inside

Grandpa Card Outside

When you go to print these, open them and save them to your computer.  Then when you go to print make sure you minimize the borders.  Print the outside first then insert the same paper, following your printers directions for double sided printing and then print the inside.  Or you could just print the outside and put your own thing inside.  Let me know if you have any problems printing.

***I also ask that if you use the poem separately that you credit me or my blog, Thanks!!

Fabulous Find Friday - Fun Summer Hair Tutorials

I love having my hair up and away from my face during the summer.  I also love experimenting with new ways to have it up.  Here are some fun tutorials I have found out there.

There are so many amazing tutorials and websites out there!  You have to visit Cinthia over at ebeautyblog.com!  She has so many amazing tutorials

Here is a link to here site ebeautyblog.com

This girl over at Luxy Hair does some beautiful tutorials.  I love her tutorial for the 5 strand braid, so gorgeous.  Here are samples of what you'll find...

Here is a link to all of their YouTube tutorial Luxy hair.

I am going to stop here, because just in those two sites I think there are enough tutorials to keep us all busy for a while.

Thrifty Thursday - Simple Framed Art

This is so easy and thrifty!  All you need is a frame, scrap book paper, some little embellishments or graphics and Mod Podge.

Mine is a 5x7 frame.  So, first I cut a piece of card stock to 5x7 (the mustard color is my card stock).  Then I started to randomly cut scrapbook paper that were ordinating colors.  This is where scrap pieces could come in handy.  I layed out all of my scrapbook pieces and my images on my card stock, arranging them how I thought they'd look good.  Then I started Mod Podging them on.  When all pieces are attatched to the card stock cover the who'll thing with Mod Podge.  Allow to dry, when completely dried place in the frame and you have a new decoration for your walls or table.  Good places to find inexpensive frames: Walmart most dollar stores, second hand stores like Deseret Industries or United Way.

I love making things because they are one of a kind!

Wisdom Wednesday - Happy Family Helper

I came up with this idea of a reward system for my kids, to try to help them have good behavior. It is called "The Happy Family Helper", because really that is what they are doing when they have good behavior, they are helping our family be happier.  The idea is, every time they are caught doing something good, like doing all of their chores without being asked, helping one of their brothers do something that is hard for them to do, etc. then they receive a "Happy Family Helper" ticket. What are the tickets for?  Well, I've made a chart and this is where they get to make some decisions.  I have a container with some treats.  They can spend their one ticket and get a treat or... they can save their ticket and when they have two they can turn them in for a special activity...or they can put their ticket into the monthly drawing for a prize (this could be changed to a weekly drawing or twice a month drawing).  This is where a few toys or prizes are needed.  You are welcome to my free printouts or use the idea and make your own.  Let me know if you try it and what you think or if you have any other ideas you have tried.

 I also have on here, "I'm Bored Ideas", because they can have a million toys in their rooms and will still come and say that they are bored.  So my motto is..."When you're bored and don't know what to do, pick something or I'll find a chore for you!"

Take Care Tuesday - My Favorite Workouts

I have a love, hate relationship with working out!  I love the feeling I have after accomplishing a workout, I love the energy it gives me, I love pushing myself in a workout, I love the health and physical benefits of working out.  I hate when I feel too tired to workout and I hate when I feel like I don't have time,  those are the times that I have to remind myself what I love about working out.  I personally enjoy doing workout videos.  I have never really been one to enjoy going to the gym.  At home don't have to waste the time traveling and finding a babysitter.  I can just pop in a video and get the sweat on.  So, what videos have I found work the best for me?

For low impact I enjoy Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, and Brazillian Butt Lift.  Notice I say low impact not low intensity.  I believe that you can push yourself in any workout and have high intensity. Low impact means that there is not as much jumping involved.  

Turbo Jam:  I love Chalene Johnson, she is so upbeat and motivating.  I love the music and I love that every video is a total body workout.  I also find the people in the workout video are inspiring, they are normal people who have done the workout and it has worked for them.  What to expect?  Turbo Jam is a kinda of dance mixed with kick boxing.  There is a lot of punching, kicking and shaking it.

Hip Hop Abs:  This is another workout that has some danciness to it.  You are working your abs the entire time you work out.  The videos are not as long, around 30 minute range.  

Brazillian Butt Lift:  This video focuses a little bit more on toning exercises of the butt and abs.  It has fun music and gives you that Latin flare.

For more high impact I love, Turbo Fire and Insanity.

Turbo Fire:  Love this workout!  Actually it is what I am currently doing.  I love the music, I love Chalene's positive attitude, I love the intensity and the total body workout.  I am pouring with sweat after every workout.  I push myself during every workout, I look at the people in the video and try to be just as intense.  It has some dance element, the music makes you want to dance anyways.  It has a lot of punching which is great from the whole upper body.  It has some kicking, running, squatting,lunging and jumping that is great for the lower body.  And really you are working and engaging your abs the entire time.  There are some fire drills involved in a lot of the workout.  When you hear the alarm you go at full intensity, pushing yourself as hard as you can four a minute.  It's great.  I love hearing the stories from some of the people on  there.  It is so motivating and helps you think if they can do it and get the amazing results I can too.

Insanity:  I like Shawn T. more in this video then I did in the Hip Hop Abs.  He is so intense and gets you to push yourself.  I would say this is a very athletic, intense workout. I always tell people that the 10 minute warm up he does is what most other workout videos whole workout is.  Each time you do it you push yourself to the max.  I think it is important to track your progress in this workout.  It helps you to push even harder.  

Between Insanity and Turbo Fire, I can't say I like one more than the other.  They are two different workouts designed by two different trainers.  Both are high intensity and high impact, both are very athletic workouts that will leave you out of breath at times and covered in sweat. 

What ever workout you chose it is important to remember that you will get out of it what you put into it.  Push your self, but also beware of your physical limitations.  If something starts to hurt ease up, you do not want to get an injury.  Check with your doctor to see if there are any limitations you may have.  Motivate your self to do it every day.  I have one day that I don't do a work out and that is Sunday. Once you start the workout then you'll enjoy it, it is just taking that first step to doing it.


Decide: Decide you want to be healthy, so you are going to workout and be active.

Commit:  Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to workout a certain amount of time and how many days a week.  Make a schedule of the workout that you are going to do and stick to it.

Endure:  At times you are going to feel like you are too tired to workout or that you do not have enough time.  Push through those thoughts and do the workout.  You will never regret doing the workout, but you will regret if you don't do it.

Succeed:  Get excited about your successes!  Every time you make it through a workout get excited, every time a workout gets a little easier, because you are getting stronger be excited.  Get excited as you gain more energy and as you feel and see your body getting tighter.  Every advancement is a success and you need to be excited about it and let it motivate you!

All above workouts can be found on Beach Body.

Mommy Mondays - Kid & Mom Crafts

As I was thinking what things to post on my "Mommy Mondays" I was thinking about what is a mom?  In the dictionary it says a mom is: It is says mom is informal for mother. So I looked up mother (on freedictionary.com) and it says: A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child. A woman who adopts a child. A woman who raises a child. A woman who creates, originates, or founds something. Maternal love and tenderness. In "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" it says, "Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." So what does the word nurture mean?  Nurture is defined as: "Care for and encourage the growth or development of."  A mom is someone who cares for encourages and helps her child that she is raising to grow and develop. What an amazing responsibility to help another person to grow and develop. To be the best mom or parent we need to look at our kids and decide what kind of a person we want them to be and then exemplify that.  Our kids learn from our examples.  Our children want our love and encouragement, they want to learn from us.  During the summer every ones schedules are changed and kids might need some guidance of things to fill their days with!  There are some super fun and creative things to do together.  Here are some things that me and my children have enjoyed doing.

Dragon Boats:

My kids loved doing this and still talk about it to this day.  I have posted about this before to go to that post click here.  I cut out and put the boats together for them using hot glue.  Then I let them decorate away.  If was fun being creative together!  They were also able to use come of their little figures and pretend play with them.

Drawing on a big piece of paper:

This is just one of those pieces of paper that you can get rolls of from the newspaper.  You could also use a roll of craft paper.  The kids had so much fun.  You can tell one of my kids was a scribbler. 

Play dough:

Kids creating

My play dough flower.

Kids love to be active with their hands!!  They love to create and then show you their creations.  We have a tote that has play dough and all of the tools needed.  Cookie cutters work great, plastic knifes or even Popsicle sticks to cut with, rolling pins (They use the scraps from when we just a wood closet rod.  They are perfect length and width to use as rolling pins). I also use plastic place mats for them to do all of their creating on, so it's not being done on my table.  When play is over, make sure to have them help clean-up.

Here is a play dough recipe:

3 cups of Flour
1 1/2 cups of salt
3 cups of water
3 teaspoons cream of tarter
4 tablespoons oil
Food coloring (you can either add at the beginning or you can knead in at the end)

Mix ingredients together. Heat on low heat until mixture "lumps", then stir into "dough consistency."  Store in a "zip-lock" baggie or plastic bag. 

More fun kid stuff to come... I think I will be posting different fun things mom's can do with their kiddos on "Mommy Mondays"  we all need some ideas to keep our kids busy in the summer!!