Sharing Time December Week 4: Christmas Sharing Time

As a presidency, we decided that we would switch our week 5 sharing time topic with our week 4 sharing time topic, since this is the Sunday right before Christmas.  So, this Sunday our sharing time will be about Christ Birth.

Last year I did a sharing time that I feel was inspired and was what the primary children needed.  I had prayed about it for about a month before I gave the sharing time.  As I was writing it, I continued to pray that Heavenly Father would direct me as to how he would want me to present it.  I remember doing the senior primaries sharing time and the spirit was felt so strongly.  Here is what I did:

Before hand I had a sheer shawl that I wore on my hair/head as the women did back at the time of Christ's Birth.  I also placed a chair in the front of the room.  When it was time for sharing time I came walking in with the shawl and sat on the chair. I then said this to the primary children:

"I have traveled many miles to be with you today and I have journeyed many years.  I came here today, because I wanted to share a story with you.  This story is a very special and sacred story.  This story is one that I hold very dear to my heart.  This story is about a women.  This women was very fair and she was choice above all other women.  She was righteous and very pure.  Her name was Mary.  (I showed a picture of Mary with the angel Gabriel) Mary had an angel appear to her and he said to her that she was highly favored by God and the she would bare a son.  That this son would be the son of God and the they should name him Jesus. Mary was espoused, meaning she was to be married, to a very righteous man.  A man whom was gentle and kind.  He was a carpenter and his name was, Joseph.  The angel also appeared unto Joseph and told him that Mary was to bare the son of God and to name the baby, Jesus.

There went out a decree that everyone should be taxed. So, Mary who was great with child and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. Joseph cared and worried for Mary along the way. (I showed the picture of Mary and Joseph traveling with the donkey) As they arrived into the city, it was so busy.  They went to the inn keeper and was told there was no room for them in the inn.  But there was a stable that housed the animals that they were welcome to.  So, Mary and Joseph went to the stable. Joseph felt so bad that there would not be a nice place for Mary. So, Joseph made a spot for Mary to lay and out of a manger, which fed animals, he placed clean straw and hay and made a bed for the baby.  When the baby was born, Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes. (I showed the picture of Mary holding Jesus)

At the time of his birth, there were signs all around the world of his birth. Shepherds in the field had an angel appear to them. Telling them not to fear, that the Savior, the Son of God was born and that they could find him laying in a manger.  There was a great new star that shown brightly in the sky and angels sang and rejoiced at his birth. (I spoke to the children and asked them if they thought that they were some of those angels who were rejoicing and singing, they agreed that they were)  Many people traveled many miles to see the baby Jesus.

Mary held her baby close to her and as she looked at her precious baby, whom she loved so much, I think she may have known that he was special. She knew that he was indeed the son of God.  She looked at this little baby and knew that his father had sent him to this earth for a great purpose.  That this little baby, would one day teach nations, love all around him and be an example to the whole world.  As she looked into her baby's eyes she knew that he would work mighty miracles, that his whole life would be devoted to his father's work. She looked at her baby and marveled that her son, the son of God would one day take upon him all of the sins of the world, all of the hurts, all of the sorrows, and all of the pains.  That this little baby would one day finish his work and die on the cross and then be exalted and resurrected and return to his Father in Heaven. That her little baby would have such amazing love for the whole world.  I testify that I know that our Heavenly Father loves each one of us.  He sent his only begotten son to Earth, to be an example and to save each of us. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us. That he loves each one of you.  I hope that we will remember that without our Savior there would be no Christmas. He is what Christmas is all about.  It is his birth that we are celebrating. I pray that we will remember that throughout this month and look for ways to honor and celebrate that birth. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"

The above thoughts are my thoughts and opinions.

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