Sharing Time December 2013 Week 3:I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again

Begin the sharing time by showing the children some items (Toothbrush, washcloth, comb, floss, picture of a child praying, pajamas, scriptures, book, music book: on each of these you will have a page number of a song attached).  Explain that before we go to bed, we have to get ready for bed.  We brush and floss our teeth, we take a bath, we get in our pajamas, we say our prayers and we read our scriptures. We might even read a bed time story and sing a song.  Explain that just like we have to prepare or get ready for bed, we also need to prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.  Each day we should be doing things to prepare.  Explain to the children that on the objects are some songs that tell us how we can prepare.  Invite a child to come up and choose an item.  Have the pianist play the intro to the song.  See if anyone can guess the song.  Then have the children sing the song, have them stand up or touch their heads or some other action when they hear what it says they can do to prepare.   Continue with all of the items/songs. Give each child a picture of the hand.  If their is time have them write on each finger of the hand a way they can prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus.  Have them chose one of the things they wrote and work on it throughout the week.  Bear your testimony on preparing now to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Free printable: I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.

Free printable: Song Cards to put on preparation items

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I was having a little stress over teaching this to our Junior Primary. This is exactly what I needed to help me simplify.
