Family Home Evening: Family Traditions & Faith in God Booklet:Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father's creations.

I have really enjoyed the past few family nights being able to focus on family history.  It just strengthens and links a family together.  For tonight Family Home Evening, I wanted to fulfill one of the Faith in God requirements that is needed for a cub scout to receive his religious knot.  But I also wanted to focus on Family Traditions.  So, here is how I am tying the two topic together.

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Silent Night" pg 204  Hymnal  (you could choose a different song if you are doing the Family Home Evening at a time other than Christmas time)

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Alma 7:10-12 

Have each parent share a tradition they have had since they were a child.  You may even want to ask some grandparents what their favorite tradition is.

Decide as a family on a tradition that you would like to start as a family. 

  • If the tradition is Christ centered, even better!  Setting up a nativity as a family could be a great tradition. As you get each piece of the nativity out, talk about each one. 
  • Another Christ centered tradition might be to look for ways to serve others throughout the month of December. If you need some ideas here is a link to a bunch of service ideas: Simple Service Ideas that Even Kids Can Do! 
  • A tradition that I remember when I was little was my mom had these little foam trees for each of us and she would pin 25 pieces of candy to the tree.  We would then use it as our count down to Christmas.  So, I found these trees at the dollar store and decided that this would be a tradition that I would like to begin with my children.  Tonight we will be decorating the trees with candy.  
  • Another idea to attend an event as a family.  In our area there is and event going on right now where families can go and view nativities.  
  • Another tradition that I remember with my grandparents when I was younger was getting together and making candy and decorating cookies.  It is one of my favorite memories.  
  • Something that I have done with my children is we make a graham cracker gingerbread house every year and marshmallow snowmen. 
Here are some sample pictures:

Marshmallow Snowman

Graham Cracker Gingerbread House 

Write a poem or story about Christ's Birth or other Gospel topic.

Great idea for easy poems are: Cinquain, Haiku, or Acrostic

Cinquain Example:
Baby Jesus
by: Kim Chase
Little, Baby
Born long ago.
Peaceful, gentle and kind.

Haiku Example:
A Savior's Birth
by: Kim Chase
A long time ago,
In a small, far away town
The Savior was born.

Acrostic Example:
By Kim Chase
Cuddled in his mothers arms.
Hope, faith and charity
Remembered for his love.
In a humble manger he laid his head.
Savior of the world.
The Son of God.

Bear testimonies on the Family Traditions

Close with a Family Prayer.

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