Family Home Evening: Faith in God Book: Serving Others-Parable of Good Samaritan

The activity I have chosen from the Faith in God book for tonight's Family Home Evening is to "Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30-37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger."

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Give, Said the Little Stream" pg 236  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Acts 20:35 

Video: Show the Good Samaritan Video

Read: Luke 10:30-37 

Activity: Decide as a Family a service project that you could do for a family member or neighbor.  Here are some ideas:

    * Bake some sugar cookies and decorate them and take them to a family member or neighbor. Also give them a little note expressing love or appreciation for them.

* If it is winter- shovel snow. Summer and spring- help weed. Fall- help rake leaves

* For an elderly grandparent or neighbor. Help them with house cleaning or yard work. Then visit with them.

* If it is poor weather call an elder grandparent or neighbor and ask them if they would like you to pick up some groceries for them or run any errands.

* Make a grandparent coupon book.  Inside are coupons that a grandparent can cash in to their grandchild for services.
Free Coupon Booklet Printable:

Reflect: After completing the service project, discuss as a family how it helped each member's faith grow stronger.

Bear testimonies on Serving Others.

Close with a Family Prayer.

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