Becoming Prepared: Pursuit of Excellence-Service Week 1

Today, I will be focusing on becoming spiritually prepared.  In the "Pursuit of Excellence" booklet two of the goals I've chosen for this week is to, "Pray for inspiration about who needs your help each day, and act on your inspiration." and "Give service to your family to strengthen your relationship with them." 

I love Christmas time! It is a time that we can each focus on the Savior, his birth, his exemplary life and his death and resurrection. Our Savior was the best example to us of love and service.  He loves everyone and throughout his life he served each person with love. To Christ it does not matter what you look like, whether you are rich or poor, or if you have made mistakes he love you all the same.  This month I would like to focus on the goals having to do with service.  I believe that the best gift we can give the Savior is to focus on serving and loving our brothers and sisters. I am not only going to do this myself, but I am also going to involve my family in these goals.  

Pray for Inspiration about who needs your help each day, and act on your inspiration:
Make it a habit to sincerely pray to your Heavenly Father each morning to see who needs your help that day.  Then be ready to receive the inspiration.  Acknowledge it at inspiration and then act upon it.  

Give service to your family to strengthen your relationship with them:
This could be service with in your own home or could even extend out to extended family members.  Here is where I am going to be including my family.  We are going to do acts of service for Jesus: You can make a simple manger using Popsicle sticks.  I simply hot glued them together.  Cutting the end pieces to fit. Using the below printable. Print them out onto yellow paper.  Then cut out each piece into strips.  This is going to be the hay for baby Jesus. Have a plastic Ziploc bag for each family member.  Label them with their name.  Place all of their strips into their baggie.  Have each family member choose a strip out of their baggie and do that act of service that day. Once, they have done the service then they can place the strip of paper into the manger. Explain that the more acts of service we do the softer baby Jesus' bed will be.  On Christmas morning place baby Jesus in his manger. 

Free Printable Service Activities:
There are 25 activities per family member.  The printout is for two family members.  Print out enough so every family member will have a list.

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