Family Home Evening: Faith in God Booklet-Learn how to budget and save money.

The activity I have chosen from the Faith in God book for tonight's Family Home Evening is to "Learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10-11) Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission."

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth" pg 150  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Read and Mark: 3 Nephi 24:10-11

Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do.

Before Family Home Evening review the pamphlet "One for the Money". Decide what parts you would like to share and discuss with your family.  Also view the page on Finances.

As a family discuss the families budget.  

Give each child a budget sheet and explain to them that they will be working on their own budget for the next month.  

Explain to them that their income will be things such as money received from birthdays, Christmas etc. and any money they receive from jobs or chores (such as allowance).

If not doing so already, think about creating jobs/chores for your children and payment for these chores/jobs.  They should only receive payment if they accomplish their jobs.  This will need to be something that you agree on as a family.

Expenditures are anything that money is spent on.  Ten percent should come out first for tithing.  Another good idea is to set aside at least ten percent for savings.  Use the pamphlet "One for the Money" as a guide.

Help each child fill out their budget sheet and keep track throughout the month.  Each Monday, follow-up with each family member to see how their budget is going.

Encourage each family member to pay their tithing and start saving for a mission.

Bear testimonies on Budgeting and tithing.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Free Budget Printable

** I personally have not been paying my children an allowance.  They do have chores to do, the chore we have given them are things my husband and I believe they need to do as members of our family. They need to accomplish these chores before they are able to play their game systems or watch TV or play with friends. I am going to be offering them extra chores/jobs that they can do to earn an allowance.  Currently my children's chores consist of: Making their bed, reading twenty minutes, completing homework, cleaning their bedroom, putting away their own laundry, bringing dirty clothes to laundry room, their weekly chores (dusting room and one other room, cleaning bathroom together, emptying their own garbage, etc).  Things that I will be using a chores for money are: Taking all garbage out to big garbage can, Taking recycle out to recycle can, Weeding (specified area), Cleaning Blinds (specified room), Washing windows, cleaning inside of cars, etc.  The paid chores will have a money amount for each job.  

We have spoken to our children about their missions and the costs. It might be a good idea to have each child set aside a certain amount  to go toward their mission.  Personally, my husband and I will not require our children to pay for their missions themselves.  But wouldn't it be neat if they were able to contribute some to their mission fund.

December Sharing Time Week #4: I have a testimony that I am a Child of God.

Prep work before Sharing Time:
- First, use the below printable and cut the word testimony off of the bottom.
- Gather pictures with Jesus with children and a large mirror.
- Get music for "I am a Child of God" or arrange for the pianist to play the song.

Sharing Time:
Place the poster "I have a______" on the board.  Tell the children that you would like to guess a word.  Giver the following clues:

- It is something that we have.
- We get this from the Holy Ghost
- It makes us feel warm and happy inside
- It can help us to make the right choices
- We can share this with others, in primary, family home evening or testimony meeting.
(clues and idea are from the 2013 sharing time outline)

When they guess the word, stick the word strip "Testimony" onto the poster.

Explain to the primary children that each of them can have their own personal testimony that they are a child of God.

Before hand place pictures of Christ with children around the room and end with a big mirror.  As the song "I am a Child of God" is playing have the children walk in a single file line by class around the room looking at the pictures.  Have them each pause for a moment in front of the mirror.  Have a member of the presidency there that says to them "(insert their name), you are a Child of God".  Then have them each sit down.  Ask them to sit quietly and listen to the song until all of the primary children and teachers have had a chance to see all of the pictures.  Ask the children how they felt inside as they were listening to the song, ask them how they felt as they looked at the pictures of Jesus with the children, ask them how they felt as they looked at them selves in the mirror and were told they are a child of God.  Explain to them that those warm, happy, good feelings are the Holy Ghost testifying that they are children of God.  Bear your testimony and if time allows, invite those primary teachers and children who would like to stand and bear their testimony to do so.

Collage of Fun Homemade Christmas Craft Ideas for Next Year

Wow... it became a marathon at the end to get everything ready for Christmas.  So, I had to take a little break from blogging.  I had so many fun projects that I was doing, two of them I regretfully forgot to take pictures of though.  I thought I would post a little collage of ideas and then next year I could post some tutorials.  So here it goes.

The Can of Pop Snowmen were made for my kids teacher's gifts.  Thin mints were for work friends, Cherry chocolates for neighbors and the picture holders my presidency and I made for all of our primary teachers.  We included a cute poem and a picture of their class.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!

Also, have a Happy New Year!!

Christmas Craft: Christmas "Go Fish" Game Free Printables

I have put together a couple of kid friendly games for my kids class parties.  The one I am posting about today is the Christmas "Go Fish" game.  I printed mine out onto card stock and then laminated them, so they won't get ruined with all the cute kids handling them.

The game is for 2 to 6 players.

Deal out 5-7 cards to each child.  The remaining cards stack in the center in a pile. Start with a child and have him ask one of the other kids if they have a certain card. (Ex. Joe, do you have a wreath?) If that player does then then hand the card over, if they do not then they say, "Go Fish".  The player who asked, then draws the top  card from the pile, and his turn is over. The object of the game is to get four of the same card.  Once, a player has four of the same card they can place it face up in front of them.  The game continues onto the person sitting clockwise next to the first person to go.  He/she then asks a particular person if they have a certain card and so on.  The game continues until the "Go Fish" pile runs out or a person runs out of cards.  Then the winner is who ever has the most matching sets.

Free Printables:

Check out more Christmas Ideas HERE!!

Sharing Time December Week 4: Christmas Sharing Time

As a presidency, we decided that we would switch our week 5 sharing time topic with our week 4 sharing time topic, since this is the Sunday right before Christmas.  So, this Sunday our sharing time will be about Christ Birth.

Last year I did a sharing time that I feel was inspired and was what the primary children needed.  I had prayed about it for about a month before I gave the sharing time.  As I was writing it, I continued to pray that Heavenly Father would direct me as to how he would want me to present it.  I remember doing the senior primaries sharing time and the spirit was felt so strongly.  Here is what I did:

Before hand I had a sheer shawl that I wore on my hair/head as the women did back at the time of Christ's Birth.  I also placed a chair in the front of the room.  When it was time for sharing time I came walking in with the shawl and sat on the chair. I then said this to the primary children:

"I have traveled many miles to be with you today and I have journeyed many years.  I came here today, because I wanted to share a story with you.  This story is a very special and sacred story.  This story is one that I hold very dear to my heart.  This story is about a women.  This women was very fair and she was choice above all other women.  She was righteous and very pure.  Her name was Mary.  (I showed a picture of Mary with the angel Gabriel) Mary had an angel appear to her and he said to her that she was highly favored by God and the she would bare a son.  That this son would be the son of God and the they should name him Jesus. Mary was espoused, meaning she was to be married, to a very righteous man.  A man whom was gentle and kind.  He was a carpenter and his name was, Joseph.  The angel also appeared unto Joseph and told him that Mary was to bare the son of God and to name the baby, Jesus.

There went out a decree that everyone should be taxed. So, Mary who was great with child and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. Joseph cared and worried for Mary along the way. (I showed the picture of Mary and Joseph traveling with the donkey) As they arrived into the city, it was so busy.  They went to the inn keeper and was told there was no room for them in the inn.  But there was a stable that housed the animals that they were welcome to.  So, Mary and Joseph went to the stable. Joseph felt so bad that there would not be a nice place for Mary. So, Joseph made a spot for Mary to lay and out of a manger, which fed animals, he placed clean straw and hay and made a bed for the baby.  When the baby was born, Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes. (I showed the picture of Mary holding Jesus)

At the time of his birth, there were signs all around the world of his birth. Shepherds in the field had an angel appear to them. Telling them not to fear, that the Savior, the Son of God was born and that they could find him laying in a manger.  There was a great new star that shown brightly in the sky and angels sang and rejoiced at his birth. (I spoke to the children and asked them if they thought that they were some of those angels who were rejoicing and singing, they agreed that they were)  Many people traveled many miles to see the baby Jesus.

Mary held her baby close to her and as she looked at her precious baby, whom she loved so much, I think she may have known that he was special. She knew that he was indeed the son of God.  She looked at this little baby and knew that his father had sent him to this earth for a great purpose.  That this little baby, would one day teach nations, love all around him and be an example to the whole world.  As she looked into her baby's eyes she knew that he would work mighty miracles, that his whole life would be devoted to his father's work. She looked at her baby and marveled that her son, the son of God would one day take upon him all of the sins of the world, all of the hurts, all of the sorrows, and all of the pains.  That this little baby would one day finish his work and die on the cross and then be exalted and resurrected and return to his Father in Heaven. That her little baby would have such amazing love for the whole world.  I testify that I know that our Heavenly Father loves each one of us.  He sent his only begotten son to Earth, to be an example and to save each of us. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us. That he loves each one of you.  I hope that we will remember that without our Savior there would be no Christmas. He is what Christmas is all about.  It is his birth that we are celebrating. I pray that we will remember that throughout this month and look for ways to honor and celebrate that birth. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"

The above thoughts are my thoughts and opinions.

Family Home Evening- Faith in God: How the Holy Ghost Helps you & Nativity Movie

The activity I have chosen from the Faith in God book for tonight's Family Home Evening is to "Mark these verses about the Holy Ghost in you scriptures: John 14:16-17, 2 Nephi 32:5, and Moroni 10:5. Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps you."

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "The Still Small Voice" pg 106  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Read and Mark: John 14:16-7, 2 Nephi 32:5 and Moroni 10:5

Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps each family member.

Video: The Nativity

Discuss how each family member felt while watching the video.  Explain that we feel warm or peaceful or good inside when the Holy Ghost is testifying the truthfulness of something.

In this case the Holy Ghost is testifying that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger.  That he is the son of God.  

Challenge each family member to recognize the spirit in their lives throughout the week.

Bear testimonies on The Holy Ghost.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Being Prepared Spiritually-Service Week 2

Today, I will be focusing on becoming spiritually prepared.  In the "Pursuit of Excellence" booklet the goal I have chosen is : "Faithfully fulfill responsibilities in elders quorum or Relief Society."  For this I am going to be focusing on Visit Teaching.  

This month's Visit Teaching message can be found here

This month's message is, "The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: The Only Begotten Son".  I usually always print out or e-mail the message for the sisters I visit.  I like to highlight the parts I am touched by and then write my thoughts and testimony on the subject.  I really do enjoy visiting with the sisters I visit, but sometimes schedules get busy and a scheduled sit down appointment might not happen.  In these cases, I make sure I either drop something off, or send a quick e-mail with the message. I sincerely care about the sisters I visit and consider them my friends. 

 I love this month's message, especially this time of year.  Our Savior's birth is important because of his Divine mission.  He was the perfect example to us throughout his life.  When the time came he willingly suffered for all of our sorrows, pains and sins. Because of this he knows exactly what we go through, thus we are never alone.  Then he gave his life for each of us and because he is the Only Begotten he was able to overcome physical death and be resurrected, making it possible for each of us to one day be resurrected also.  

Christmas Craft- Cozy Snowmen (made from socks)

Every year my husbands family has a Christmas Eve party.  Each year we all give each family a little gift.  These Cozy Snowmen were what I did last year.  They are also what I made for my kids teachers.

It was a pretty easy process to make these cute snow people.  You begin with a tube sock.  Cut off the foot portion, so all you are left with is the tube.  Turn the sock inside out, secure one end with an elastic or sew shut, this will be the bottom.  Turn sock so the right side is out. Now, it is time to fill it with rice.  Fill it pretty full of rice.  Then, secure the top with an elastic.  Now, get your decorative sock.  You will need to cut two sections out of this sock.  To do this, first cut the heal portion off.  Then figure out how big you would like the sweater portion and the hat portion to be.  Then make the cut.  Put the sweater onto the tube sock body.  Tie some string or jute around the top portion.  This gives the body and head a little form.  Next, place the hat onto the head.  I hot glue mine down on each side.  Tie some jute or string at the top.  Now it is time to embellish.  I used mismatched black buttons for the eyes.  I used a glue gun to glue all of my embellishments on.  The nose I used some orange pipe cleaner. The buttons on the sweater were buttons or decorative push pins.  On the hats I crocheted some flowers and either placed a bush pin, small jewel or button in the middle. 

My kids each got to choose which snowman went to which person.  They especially liked picking out their teachers.  If I was little bit more patient I could have probably had them help me make their teachers.  

Sharing Time December 2013 Week 3:I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again

Begin the sharing time by showing the children some items (Toothbrush, washcloth, comb, floss, picture of a child praying, pajamas, scriptures, book, music book: on each of these you will have a page number of a song attached).  Explain that before we go to bed, we have to get ready for bed.  We brush and floss our teeth, we take a bath, we get in our pajamas, we say our prayers and we read our scriptures. We might even read a bed time story and sing a song.  Explain that just like we have to prepare or get ready for bed, we also need to prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.  Each day we should be doing things to prepare.  Explain to the children that on the objects are some songs that tell us how we can prepare.  Invite a child to come up and choose an item.  Have the pianist play the intro to the song.  See if anyone can guess the song.  Then have the children sing the song, have them stand up or touch their heads or some other action when they hear what it says they can do to prepare.   Continue with all of the items/songs. Give each child a picture of the hand.  If their is time have them write on each finger of the hand a way they can prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus.  Have them chose one of the things they wrote and work on it throughout the week.  Bear your testimony on preparing now to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Free printable: I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.

Free printable: Song Cards to put on preparation items

Family Home Evening: Faith in God Book: Serving Others-Parable of Good Samaritan

The activity I have chosen from the Faith in God book for tonight's Family Home Evening is to "Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30-37). Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger."

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Give, Said the Little Stream" pg 236  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Acts 20:35 

Video: Show the Good Samaritan Video

Read: Luke 10:30-37 

Activity: Decide as a Family a service project that you could do for a family member or neighbor.  Here are some ideas:

    * Bake some sugar cookies and decorate them and take them to a family member or neighbor. Also give them a little note expressing love or appreciation for them.

* If it is winter- shovel snow. Summer and spring- help weed. Fall- help rake leaves

* For an elderly grandparent or neighbor. Help them with house cleaning or yard work. Then visit with them.

* If it is poor weather call an elder grandparent or neighbor and ask them if they would like you to pick up some groceries for them or run any errands.

* Make a grandparent coupon book.  Inside are coupons that a grandparent can cash in to their grandchild for services.
Free Coupon Booklet Printable:

Reflect: After completing the service project, discuss as a family how it helped each member's faith grow stronger.

Bear testimonies on Serving Others.

Close with a Family Prayer.

"Her Tool Belt" Spotlight: Fun DIY website

I just have to spotlight my friends website.  She is an amazing do-it-your-selfer! Her site is  Her Tool Belt.  This month she has come up with such a cute idea. She is doing the 12 days of Christmas with the ornaments.  She has done tutorials for each of the ornaments.  What a fun idea to do for Christmas.  So, head over and check them out.  She is also an amazing wood crafter.

Being Prepared: Physically- Go Bag (change of clothing)

This weeks item for the Go Bag is an extra set of clothing.  Idea would be sweat pants, long sleeved shirt, pair of sock, and underclothing.  I would definitely do longer clothing, because they can always be cut off in warm weather.  For adults, it could be clothing you don't wear frequently.  For children go inexpensive.  Right now there are a lot of deals on clothes because of Christmas time.  You could also use hand-me-downs, or even second hand. I wouldn't go to a huge expense since children grow so fast.  This will need to be an item that will need to be replaced when outgrown.

Becoming Prepared: Pursuit of Excellence-Service Week 1

Today, I will be focusing on becoming spiritually prepared.  In the "Pursuit of Excellence" booklet two of the goals I've chosen for this week is to, "Pray for inspiration about who needs your help each day, and act on your inspiration." and "Give service to your family to strengthen your relationship with them." 

I love Christmas time! It is a time that we can each focus on the Savior, his birth, his exemplary life and his death and resurrection. Our Savior was the best example to us of love and service.  He loves everyone and throughout his life he served each person with love. To Christ it does not matter what you look like, whether you are rich or poor, or if you have made mistakes he love you all the same.  This month I would like to focus on the goals having to do with service.  I believe that the best gift we can give the Savior is to focus on serving and loving our brothers and sisters. I am not only going to do this myself, but I am also going to involve my family in these goals.  

Pray for Inspiration about who needs your help each day, and act on your inspiration:
Make it a habit to sincerely pray to your Heavenly Father each morning to see who needs your help that day.  Then be ready to receive the inspiration.  Acknowledge it at inspiration and then act upon it.  

Give service to your family to strengthen your relationship with them:
This could be service with in your own home or could even extend out to extended family members.  Here is where I am going to be including my family.  We are going to do acts of service for Jesus: You can make a simple manger using Popsicle sticks.  I simply hot glued them together.  Cutting the end pieces to fit. Using the below printable. Print them out onto yellow paper.  Then cut out each piece into strips.  This is going to be the hay for baby Jesus. Have a plastic Ziploc bag for each family member.  Label them with their name.  Place all of their strips into their baggie.  Have each family member choose a strip out of their baggie and do that act of service that day. Once, they have done the service then they can place the strip of paper into the manger. Explain that the more acts of service we do the softer baby Jesus' bed will be.  On Christmas morning place baby Jesus in his manger. 

Free Printable Service Activities:
There are 25 activities per family member.  The printout is for two family members.  Print out enough so every family member will have a list.

Christmas Crafts: Christmas Countdown Trees

I am so excited to post some Christmas crafts.  The one I chose to post about today is what I did with my boys the other night for family night.  It is our Christmas Countdown Trees.  Each boy has their own full of yummy candy ornaments.

I saw the trees when I was at the dollar store and it reminded me of something we had that was similar when I was little. The one I had when I was little was a little foam tree that had red tinsel wrapped around it. It then had usually taffy and peppermint hard candies pinned to it. These trees are actually a wire form that has the tinsel stringed around and through it. We secured the candies to the trees with red yarn.  I found the easiest way was to string the yarn through first and then tie it around the candy into a bowl. The boys get to take one off each day.  Their final one will be on Christmas.  This was one of my favorite countdowns when I was little.  And the boys seem to be enjoying it also.

***My younger two had a hard time doing it themselves.  But my 9 year old was able to do his, his is the one on the right***

Sharing Time December 2013: Week 2: Jesus Christ Will Come To Earth Again.

These weeks sharing time focus will be on the Second coming.

Begin by showing a picture of Christ's birth here is a link to the picture here.  Explain that Jesus came to earth as a baby. He was the perfect example to us here on Earth. He suffered for each one of us and was crucified and died for us.  Then he was resurrected, so we could live with him in Heaven someday.  Someday he will come to Earth again.  We know this as the Second Coming.  Show a picture of Jesus here is the link.  Explain that we know that he will come again because the scriptures tells us so.  Tell the children that they are going to play a matching game.

On the board place the cards from the below printable with words facing the board.  Have a child come up and choose two cards.  If they are a match then read the scripture and talk about what it says about the second coming.  If it does not match then turn the back over and have another child come up and choose two cards. Continue until all cards have been matched.

Bear your testimony about Jesus coming to Earth again someday.

Free Printable Match Game

Family Home Evening: Family Traditions & Faith in God Booklet:Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father's creations.

I have really enjoyed the past few family nights being able to focus on family history.  It just strengthens and links a family together.  For tonight Family Home Evening, I wanted to fulfill one of the Faith in God requirements that is needed for a cub scout to receive his religious knot.  But I also wanted to focus on Family Traditions.  So, here is how I am tying the two topic together.

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Silent Night" pg 204  Hymnal  (you could choose a different song if you are doing the Family Home Evening at a time other than Christmas time)

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Alma 7:10-12 

Have each parent share a tradition they have had since they were a child.  You may even want to ask some grandparents what their favorite tradition is.

Decide as a family on a tradition that you would like to start as a family. 

  • If the tradition is Christ centered, even better!  Setting up a nativity as a family could be a great tradition. As you get each piece of the nativity out, talk about each one. 
  • Another Christ centered tradition might be to look for ways to serve others throughout the month of December. If you need some ideas here is a link to a bunch of service ideas: Simple Service Ideas that Even Kids Can Do! 
  • A tradition that I remember when I was little was my mom had these little foam trees for each of us and she would pin 25 pieces of candy to the tree.  We would then use it as our count down to Christmas.  So, I found these trees at the dollar store and decided that this would be a tradition that I would like to begin with my children.  Tonight we will be decorating the trees with candy.  
  • Another idea to attend an event as a family.  In our area there is and event going on right now where families can go and view nativities.  
  • Another tradition that I remember with my grandparents when I was younger was getting together and making candy and decorating cookies.  It is one of my favorite memories.  
  • Something that I have done with my children is we make a graham cracker gingerbread house every year and marshmallow snowmen. 
Here are some sample pictures:

Marshmallow Snowman

Graham Cracker Gingerbread House 

Write a poem or story about Christ's Birth or other Gospel topic.

Great idea for easy poems are: Cinquain, Haiku, or Acrostic

Cinquain Example:
Baby Jesus
by: Kim Chase
Little, Baby
Born long ago.
Peaceful, gentle and kind.

Haiku Example:
A Savior's Birth
by: Kim Chase
A long time ago,
In a small, far away town
The Savior was born.

Acrostic Example:
By Kim Chase
Cuddled in his mothers arms.
Hope, faith and charity
Remembered for his love.
In a humble manger he laid his head.
Savior of the world.
The Son of God.

Bear testimonies on the Family Traditions

Close with a Family Prayer.

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