I made these turkeys years ago and love putting them up every Thanksgiving. I am frequently asked how I come up with some of my ideas. On this one in particular I had a black and white clip art of a turkey, I blew it up to the size I would want to make the wood turkey. I then decided how I wanted to layer it. I also, before hand made some modifications, such as adding a hat to the pilgrim turkey and having the Indian turkey without a hat. My husband cut out these pieces for me (With most of my first crafts he always cut out my wood, he has this fear that I am going to injure myself. I don't know why he fears that. I was one of they few girls in high school who took wood shop class, so I feel I am capable). My husband added the little platforms so the turkey would be able to stand. I loved painting it and giving each of them some character. I do not have a pattern right now since I did these so long ago. So, here is a tip: Look through your coloring books and clip art to find some ideas of what you would like to create into a craft.
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