Family Home Evening- Faith in God Book: Developing Talents (honor and obey parents and learning how to work hard)

One of the requirements in the Faith In God book under the Developing Talents Category is to "List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work." 

This can easily be completed as part of a Family Home Evening.  Here is how ours is planned to go:

Family Home Evening on Obeying and Honoring Parents and learning how to Work Hard.

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Love Is Spoken Here " pg 190  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Ephesians 6:1 " Childrenobey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."

Read: Teachings of Parents by President Ezra Taft Benson. Show your children a picture of President George Washington or the $1 bill.  Explain to them that he was the first president of The United States of America he presided over the drafting of the United State Constitution. 

Read this to your children:  “Honoring your parents … means doing what Heavenly Father wants you to do. … If you will … be good, you will bring great honor to your parents’ name” (Friend, Jun. 2003, 9).

Ask your children, what are some ways they can obey and honor their parents?

Some answers might include: obeying them, showing them love and gratitude, and respecting them.

Give each member the About you paper.  The parents will fill out: When I was a child... and the children will fill out: About Me...

When forms are all filled out take times sharing the information with each other.  This will be fun for the kids to see how many things they have in common with their parents.

Explain that some ways children can show that they honor their parents if by working hard at school and helping out around their home. Ask your children to list Five things they can do to help out around their house.  Right these down.  Help each child throughout the week to learn how to work hard by helping out around the house.  

Another great story to read is: "Friend to Friend: Jumping Fences"
Please Read "Work and Self Reliance"

Bear testimonies on the importance of honoring and obeying parents and learning to work hard.

Close with a Family Prayer.

My thoughts: I am hoping that my children will understand honoring parents a little better by explaining to them that when we keep the commandments and be obedient that we are honoring our parents. I have told them before, that when I was little I loved my mom and dad so much that I never wanted to disappoint them.  So, I tried to do what was right.  It is still that way today.  I do not want to disappoint my parents or my Heavenly Father, so I try to do the right things.  The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you have fallen short and made someone you love disappointed   It is a wonderful thing that we have repentance.  

I also see how sometimes my children need more help learning how to do hard things and working hard. That sometimes they feel they should get something for nothing. When people including our children get something or everything without ever having to work for it, they will not truly appreciate it. Think about it, if you have to work really hard for something don't you appreciate it and want to take good care of it. 


  1. thanks for posting this, I have used its for my FHE this evening. Thanks:)

  2. FoodMuster- I am so glad you could use this for FHE. I must say it was one of my favorites! Each of us had fun learning about each other :)

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