Being Prepared: Physically- Continuing to acquire items for a "GO BAG"

Last week, we were focusing on gathering backpacks for each member of the family.  This week we are going to start acquiring the items to put in the bags.  Remember the purpose of these bags are to have the things that each individual needs, so if their is an emergency they can quickly grab their bag and go.

Items to focus on this week:
Gather personal identification information.
-Make copies of Birth Certificate.
-Make copies of Social Security Card
-Make copies of Adult ID's such as Driver's License
-Make copies of Immunization Records
-Make copies of Marriage License
-Make copies of Current Medication Labels and directions
-Copy of Family picture (this would be beneficial to have if separated or even just as a comfort item)
-Child ID/Safety kit (There are many sites out their that offer these kits for free.  Also, a lot of times in children's picture packets from the school they will include one.  Some kits even include a swab for DNA.  It is important to have one where you can provide a picture, a description of your child, and fingerprints.) ***Once you get one, do it***
-Make a copy of Important Contacts and info.  This should include your in town contact and out of town contact. Your address and phone number.  Doctor and Pharmacy info. Police department, fire department, CDC, Poison Control, etc. Phone numbers of family and friends, including work numbers.  Phone number of the schools or day cares your children attend.

All of these could be stored in an envelope to be put in the bag. It might be a good idea to laminate the items.

Free Important Info. Cards

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