Halloween Craft #8: Gauze or Cheese Cloth Ghosts

Super fun and Easy Halloween Craft!

What You Need:

* Cheese Cloth or Gauze (the stuff I used looked a lot like gauze, they were large and used at a business for cleaning)
* Fabric Stiffener
* Cleaned out jam bottle (or jar small enough that your gauze or cheese cloth will float onto the work space a little)
*Styrofoam ball
* Sharpie marker or black paint & Brush
*Fabric Scraps
*Hot Glue
* Ink to antique
*optional Pink paint or ink for cheeks

What To Do:

Put the Styrofoam ball on top of the top of the lidless jar. Pour the fabric stiffener into a container (I just used an old cool whip container)  Put a piece of the gauze or cheese cloth into the solution. Make sure it is covered, squeeze out a little. Then layer it on top of the Styrofoam ball and jar. Continue with another piece until you get the look you desire.  With the stuff I used I  only  had to use two pieces.  Make sure it is how you want it to be along the bottom and everything. So it will be able to stand by itself.  Allow it to dry completely.  When dry add eyes and mouth either with a sharpie or black paint and a brush. Dry brush on some pink onto the cheeks.  With hot glue stagger some scraps of fabric. Tie a bow in the jute and hot glue on top of the fabric. Distress some of the edges of the ghost with some distressing ink and a beauty sponge.  

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