Family Home Evening: Faith In God Book - Serving Others

One of the requirements in the Faith In God book under the Serving Others Category is to "Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or our grandparents telling them what you appreciate and respect about them." This also fulfills one of the requirements for the Religious Square Knot patch in cub scouts.

This is an easy one that can easily be completed as part of a Family Home Evening.  Here is how ours is planned to go:

Family Home Evening on Appreciation and Respect

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Grandmother " pg 200  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Mosiah 4:15

Play the Video: "Unselfish Service"

Explain that one of the best ways we can express our appreciation and respect is to serve those we love and have done so much for us.

Have each family member think of someone they are grateful for. Then ask them to write a note to that person telling them what you appreciate and respect about them. Then have them give that note to the person.

Bear testimonies on the expressing appreciation and respect

Close with a Family Prayer.

My thoughts:  I want my children to be able to notice the things that others do for them and to be grateful for those things.  It seems like sometimes we get caught up even as adults, in all the things we don't have or want, that is what brings unhappiness.  When we are constantly not happy because we want something bigger and better, we will not be happy, until we stop and take inventory of everything we have and are blessed with in our lives.  For me when I am content and grateful I am so much happier and more at peace.  I think that it is an important quality to teach my children.  Yes, it needs to be taught and constantly reinforced.  Having children express to others what they appreciate and respect in them is a great way to teach this.  Also, pointing out to them all that they have and helping them in their prayers to express gratitude to Heavenly Father.  Another way is teaching them to have good manners.  To recognize when someone does something nice for them, to express appreciation and say thank you.  SERVE...service brings happiness and shows appreciation.

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