Family Home Evening- My Gospel Standards- I will keep my mind and body sacred and pure, and I will not partake of things that are harmful to me.

Family Home Evening Outline for:  I will keep my mind and body sacred and pure, and I will not partake of things that are harmful to me.

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "The Word of Wisdom" pg 154 Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture:  D&C 89 (It may be good to read all verses, read how many will work for your family)

Lesson: Read: "Run Away!" from the Oct. 2010 friend
Discuss with your family why our bodies are sacred and why we should keep them pure. Ideas might be: Our body is the temple or home of our spirit. It is something that our Heavenly Father has given us. We should be modest when we wear our clothing to show respect to our bodies and our appreciation to our Heavenly Father for our bodies. 

Show them this picture for only 5 seconds, then put it away.  Ask each family member to close their eyes and describe the picture they had just seen.  Discuss as a family that even viewing an image for a short amount of time our minds still remember details of that image.

We should avoid looking at immodest pictures and things, to keep our mind pure.  Once we have seen an image it is very difficult to get that image out of our head.  The Holy Ghost can not dwell where there are unclean things. 

Read: "Cliff Hanger" from the Nov 1992 New Era
Discuss with you family what the guy in the story was blessed with, because he kept the Word of Wisdom.  Explain that we should not allow harmful things into our bodies.  Discuss some harmful things we should avoid. (see "Word of Wisdom" on What are we promised when we obey the Word of Wisdom? 

“All saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
Have each family member read the Promise card and make the commitment to keep their mind and body sacred and pure, and not partake of things that are harmful to them.  Then have each family member sign and date the card. Help younger children do this. Have them keep the card in a spot that will remind them of their decision and promise.

Bear testimonies on keeping our minds and bodies sacred and pure and not partaking of things that are harmful to us.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Treat option:
Healthy Fruit Kabob
Have either kabob sticks or tooth picks on hand.
Have an array of fruit (grapes, sliced strawberries, pineapple, melons, etc.)
Let each family member make their own fruit kabob.

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