Wisdom Wednesday- August Sharing Time 2013 wk 2- Heavenly Father wants me to pray to Him often—anytime, anywhere

August Sharing Time 2013 wk 2- Heavenly Father wants me to pray to Him often—anytime, anywhere.

For this weeks sharing time I made these printables that would be great to hang up on the board.  You could either have everyone read and repeat the scripture together or have an older child read the scripture.  Explain to the children that this scripture talks about places that Zenos prayed.  Tell the children that just like Zenos we can pray to Heavenly Father anytime and anywhere.

Cut off the word strips that are in boxes on the last printable and cut the boxes out. Place these on the board.  Have the primary children replace words in the scripture with these word strips.  Explain that these are some places that we can pray.

Wilderness - Lost or Alone
Field- Park or Yard
Closet - Private
Congregations- in Class

Ask the children if they have any examples of when they have prayed or places where they have prayed.

Bear testimony on the importance of prayer and of how our Heavenly Father wants to hear from us no matter where we are or what time of day it is.

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