Take Care Tuesday - Relieve Stress Tips

The day can get stressful!  Whether is be being a mom or dad 24-7, working, or other stressful responsibilities, you may find yourself at the end of the day with your shoulders stressed up into your neck.  Here are some stress relievers that I have found helpful.

1) Take a few minutes to yourself.  This could be taking a warm bath, reading a couple pages of a favorite book, or just going outside and enjoy the beauties.

2) Take some breaths.  Not hyperventilating breaths but deep ones.  Throughout the day don't forget to breath.

3) Do some stretches or yoga.  We carry so much tension in our neck and shoulders.  So take some time and stretch your neck and shoulders out.  A nice neck massage does wonders too.

4) Take the time to notice the little things.  We always seem to be in such a hurry, the days go by like a blur and so do the weeks and months.  If we just take a second to appreciate life then we slow down just a little.

5) Laugh.  Laugh at life. Smile. The people who laugh and smile and look at the positive. Are so much happier and less stressed then those who are always dwelling on the negative.  My grandma used to always tell me, "Smile, people will wonder what you did".  I think a smile is contagious and we need more smiles in this world.

6) Exercise.  One of the best stress relievers is exercise.  Take time in the day to do it.  You deserve it!  Today I did an exercise where I was doing some punches and the instructor said to make some loud noises out.  So I did and I punch harder and got some emotions out.  Wow, what a great stress reliever.

So take a few minutes, take a deep breath and blow the stress away.

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