My Monday Workout Week 1 day 1

My hubby had an idea that I post my workouts each day.  I thought about what a great idea that would be because it would make me more accountable for my workouts and let others have some ideas of what to do.

I recently finished a cardio program and now am excited to revisit some of the workouts I haven't done in a while and just mix things up.

Today I did:

20 min of cardio : Turbo Fire's 20 minute Low Hit workout (this is a Beach Body workout done by Chalene Johnson)

40 min of weight training/sculpting: Turbo Jam's Turbo Sculpt (this is also a Beach Body workout done by Chalene Johnson)

I had not done the sculpting routine in a while and I have to say I might be a little sore tomorrow, which I am kind of excited for.  I love being sore after a workout, because it means it is working.

I used weighted gloves for the cardio portion that I had purchased at a fitness store.  And for the sculpting I used 6 pound weights, which were just perfect for me today, because the last reps were challenging, but I was able to make it through the whole thing.

I would love to hear what workouts you do each day too.  If you'd like to share what your doing, please leave a comment!

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