Wisdom Wednesday - Flower Care Booklet (the idea)

I have planted so many flowers and plants and have forgotten some of there names. After purchasing them   and planting them I kept many of their little tags.  But I hate having to search through them and even then they don't really give you much instruction. I was thinking that it would be nice to have a booklet where I could go for care instructions for each plant in my yard.  So that is the idea.  I am taking pictures of each plant, then I will look them up online, where hopefully I will find their care instructions and tips.  I will post my progress.  Here's the 1st step, I have started taking pictures.

Here's a sample:

I am amazed at how well they have grown.  They were all planted at the end of the season last year.  Many of my plants were starts or bought on clearance.

1 comment:

  1. They were all planted at the end of the season last year. Many of my plants were starts or bought on clearance. Proflowers Coupon
