Take Care Tuesday- Free Printable Workout Calendars

Yay- I just finished my workout program. Now I need to decide on a schedule of what I am going to do each day.  Here is a free printable of a workout calendar. I am going to make use of mine and map out what I am going to do each day and for how long.  Be specific of what workouts you are going to do. On mine I am going to have some 20-30 min of cardio and 30 min of sculpting/weights on Mon, Wed, & Fri. Then on Tues, Thurs, and Sat I am going to do 50 min of cardio and 10 min abs. There are a lot of fun ways to do cardio, decide what you enjoy and what gets you the best results!  Good Luck!! Let me know what kind of workouts are your favorite.

Free Workout Calendar Printable

1 comment:

  1. In case you are on your way to losing weight, it is important to follow a weight loss workout plan first and foremost. The reason behind is that it will allow yourself to follow a routine nutrition which will help keep track of your progress
