Dinosaur Cake


I love making my children's birthday cakes.  This year my little boy was really into dinos, so he wanted a dinosaur cake.  I used two square pans, pouring half of the cake mix into each pan.  A tip I love to use when baking cakes is to line the bottom of the cake pan with wax or parchment paper, then spray the whole pan with cooking spray.  It make everything come out so easy.  When cakes are done and cool, in between the layers I like to put a filling, for this particular one I used a fat free pudding cup.  I then iced the cake with the chocolate icing.  For the volcano I used rice crispy treat formed by using a funnel, I also indented the top. Then I iced it with the chocolate icing. For the little lake I made blue jigglers.  I put a candy fish underneath the jiggler.  The hill next to the volcano was a chololate candy covered with icing. And the little rocks were just chocolate candies.  I used a plastic bag filled with green icing, snipped the corner and just started making the greanery. Also, with the redish icing made the lauva and the wording.  Add the dinosaurs and there you have it a dinosaur land cake!

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember all your homemade cakes when you were growing up. I always liked making them and coming up with a new idea was sometimes a real challenge. This cake turned out awesome can't wait to see what you do for Jaden's.
