What Have I Been Up To....

Well, I just got caught up on reading all of my favorite blogs!  There are some amazingly creative people out there that are such an inspiration!  Up until Christmas I was super busy getting all Christmas ready then since Christmas I have been working on stuff for 2010 Primary (I am in our wards primary presidency).

I love the theme for this year in primary, "I know my Savior lives".  I had a lot of fun working on some stuff to introduce the theme.  We did a bulletin board.  I used some brown craft paper and at the top was the lettering "I know my Savior lives".  Then starting at the bottom I traced footprints (12 of them) leading to the top.  In the bottom corner is this years scripture.  Then, on my computer I made the foot prints with the monthly themes and cordinating pictures.  Lastly I made hearts with our primary children's names on them. That they would post on the bulletin.
Examples of the foot prints.  Images were found on lds.org & lds.about.com.  February's is actually one of Del Parson's.
I will have to take a picture and post what the bulletin board actually looks like.

The theme song ("I know my Savior loves me") for this year is a beautiful song! We put pictures to the music and made a video to show the primary children to introduce the new song to them.

We also had a special sharing time (we had to cancel our beginning of the year activity).  To introduce the theme we had pictures of Christ on the walls around the primary room.  We then had the children walk around the room and look at the pictures of Christ.  The last place they stopped was a huge mirror. They looked into it and were told that they are made in God's image and that Jesus loves them. They then received their heart with their name on it and they got to post it onto the bulletin board. 

I am really excited for this year and the opportunity the children will have to grow closer to Christ. 

Other 2010 primary ideas we are doing:

  • We are having a birthday box.  On the top is an envelope that says Happy Birthday. Inside the envelope are birthday balloons with the people's names who have birthdays that month.  They also get a picture of christ with the Articles of Faith on the back and they get to choose something from the birthday box.

  • For our assignments we have a mailbox and someone gets to be mail person each week.  The assignments are put on a wrist band that we tape around the children's wrist.

  • Spotlight/Reverence Child: We are spotlighting a child each week.  We have asked their parents a Christlike characteristic that they have and then we will share it with the primary before the reverence song.

Hopefully these idea's might be useful.  I will be posting other 2010 primary ideas as they come up. 


  1. I love the Primary ideas! I'm in charge of the Primary Mail in our ward for the assignments and the kids love it! It's so fun to watch their reaction when they get mail.

  2. Wow you have been major busy. I wish we were closer so I could help with the kids. Your ideas are great. It brings back lot's of memories my most favorite of all my callings was serving in the primary presidency and in primary as the chorister.

  3. WOW!!! You have some great ideas for this year. I hope that things are going great for all of you. I miss that sweet primary of yours :)

  4. Sounds like a well organized Primary with alot of teaching examples for the children. Much love went into the ideas. Love nana

  5. I absolutely love your ideas. I just got called to primary and need to change our boards for the upcoming year which happens to be the same theme who had here during 2010. I was wondering if you had the footprint pictures describing each month available for download???

    1. Misty- I have the images on my computer as a jpeg. I could e-mail them to you. If you would like to email me I can forward them on, lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com

    2. I would appreciate that so much, I just sent you an email.

  6. I love your idea. I have been looking for an idea for our bulletin board that we could add to each month throughout the year. Could I have the download of the footprint pictures describing each month too? I can email you first with my info.

    1. Yes Angela- Just send me an email so I have your email address and I will forward them onto you :)

  7. I just got called into Primary and I love all your ideas. Thank you for sharing. If I emailed you could I also get the info to print off the footprints?

    1. Yes, Christina send me an email and I will forward them onto you :)

  8. Would you mind sending me the footprint file as well? I love this idea!

  9. Hello there! I was hoping when ever you have a minute to spare- you might forward the foot prints to me! PLEEEEEASE :) Thank you for your creativity!

    1. Yes, if you could email me so I have your email address that would be great! Then I can send them over. Thanks! lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com

  10. Would you be willing to email the footprints to me if you still have them? Our primary is changing the bulletin board and would love to use these. Thanks!
