Family Home Evenings

Okay, so I have taken stock and re-evaluated things and have decided that I really need to get back on the ball with Family Home Evening lessons. So what I have decided to do is plan out three months at a time and get everything scheduled and all printed out and ready. So, when Family night comes I don't have to worry about what I am going to do for it. I also am planning on it being a theme for the entire week. So I will have scriptures that we can read every night, which will help keep us on task with family scripture study. Here is what we will be doing in October:

Week of 11th-17th: Obedience: Open with activity: Simon says. Lesson: Show picture of kids obeying, read Eph 6:1. Sing quickly I’ll obey. Talk about how Jesus obeyed Heavenly Father and how we are try to be like Jesus. Play chutes and ladders. Color picture. Have kids help make the treat, reading the recipe and obeying the recipe rules.

Throughout the week: Read a scripture about some one being obedient and being blessed: Daniel & Lion's Den (Mon), Lehi fleeing to wilderness (tue), Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego (wed), Noah (Thurs), Family Proc (Friday), Colossians 3:20 (Sat)

Obedience Jar: Obey put bean in Jar, Disobey take one out. When Jar full can choose a family activity.

Week of 18th-24th: Kindness: Opening: Say something nice about each person in the family. Lesson: Read scripture John 13:34. How do we love one another? By treating and speaking to each other with kindness. Tell story of Good Samaritan. What are good ways we can treat each other as family members? How should we talk to each other? If someone does something we don’t like how do we deal with it? How do we treat others outside of our home. Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do to you. Song: Jesus said love everyone. Game: Charades Treat: Monkey bread

Throughout week: Smiley/Frowny Face on their door. When being kind the smiley, not then Frowny.

Scriptures: Peter 1:7, Mosiah 18:21, 1 John 4:7, John 15:17, D&C 88:123, Matt 25:34-40.

Week of 25th-31st: Honesty: Opening: Have a back pack and cans of food that have little white lies written on them. Put backpack on someone and start to fill with the food. Talk about how little lies start to feel heavy. Lesson: Read 13th Article of Faith. Lesson: Talk about what honesty is. We tell the whole truth. If we get too much change back we tell the person. If we say we are going to do something, then we do it. Play a game like memory. Explain that we do not cheat if we are being honest. Sing song, “I believe on being honest”. Have treat, let them get it themselves, see if being honest by taking certain amount.

Throughout week: Scriptures: Exodus 20:15-16, Alma 53:16-22, 56:44-57, Alma 27:27, 2 Corinth 8:21, D&C 97:8

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have the month planned with some really good Family Home evenings. Have fun
