September 2009 VT Message: Understand and Live the Gospel of Christ

Understand and Live the Gospel of Christ

This is a subject that is so important to me. I am so grateful and blessed to have the gospel in my life! I know that sometimes I take it for granted, since I have never been without it. I do not know how others go though life and make it through things, not have the gospel. When I am doing the things I should be doing, such as: saying my personal and family prayers, reading the scriptures, attending church and partaking of the sacrament, etc. I am stronger. I know that I can overcome anything that is thrown at me. I know that when trials come it gives me a chance to grow closer to my Heavenly Father. Why is it that when we are going through a trial, we pray a little bit more? I do anyways, I guess it must be because we need that extra help and strength from our Heavenly Father. I love this quote from Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “We must live the gospel in such a way that we will have the Spirit to ever be with us. If we live worthily, the Spirit will always be with us. We can then teach by the Spirit. … The reason we pray, study the scriptures, have good friends, and live the gospel through obedience to the commandments is so that when—not if, but when—the trials come, we are ready” (“Teaching by Faith,” Liahona, Sept. 2003, 10, 14–15; Ensign, Sept. 2003, 20, 24–25).

I love that! It is so true, everyone has trials. Isn't it wonderful that we have the means to be prepared. I love this scripture, "...In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33

I also hope though, that when things are going good in our lives, that we remember our Heavenly Father and give him our thanks, because he is why things are so good.

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