January 2009 VT Message: Stand Strong and Immovable in Faith

January 2009 Visit teaching message link
I really enjoyed this months Visit Teaching Message. I liked how Sister Beck talked of ways we could be strong and immovable in our faith. She says, "...1. Make and keep covenants with Him. 2. Are worthy and worship in His temples. 3. Study His doctrine in the scriptures and the words of prophets. 4. Qualify for, recognize, and follow the Holy Ghost. 5. Share and defend His gospel. 6. Participate in sincere personal and family prayer. 7. Have family home evening. 8. Live principles of self-reliance and provident living. These are essential things which must be done before nonessential things...." I looked at the list and thought about how some of the things I might not be doing all of the time. I then read on, Sister Lant says, "Our personal conversion comes as we begin to live the way the Lord wants us to live-... This then becomes a process of refinement as we strive to make each day a little better than the last." I loved that! We are not expected to be perfect all of the time. Our Heavenly Father knows us and knows our intentions. And as long as we are doing our best and doing better each day, that is all he asks of us.

I loved how Elder Ballard says, "Your faith and your knowledge of the restoration of the gospel will give you the strength to be faithful..." That is what helps us to be strong and immovable. When we have that knowledge and that faith of the gospel, of our Father in Heaven than we are more likely not to waver. We know that we are a child of God with divine potential, which I believe gives us strength in our lives! I am so grateful that I have the gospel in my life and that I have the ability to pray to my Father in Heaven to help me become a better, stronger me!

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