Fun, Easy Gifts for Friends & Neighbors

There are so many fun little things that you can give to others to share the holiday spirit. Below are just a few-

- A container with some Hersey's Kisses with the sang: "Snowflakes Are Winter's Kisses"

- A plate full of goodies is always great with a little sang like: "Here is a Happy Holiday Treat, For Some (Friends/Neighbors) That Are So Sweet" -Even funner if on a holiday plate, they can reuse to put Santa cookies on.

- Your favorite Chex Mix Recipe with the sang: "Remember Santa Chex his list twice..."

- Some caramel corn or Corn Pops in a container with a reindeer that says: "From our Herd to Yours, Merry Christmas."

- Homemade baked bread is always so yummy. Here is a sang that could be attached to it: "From our kitchen to yours, Hope you have a very Merry Christmas."

There are so many others (hot chocolate & marshmallows or a candy cane to stir it, Whoppers as reindeer poop, Pop corn- Just popped in to say, hope you have a happy holiday, etc.)

If you have any other fun ideas, please share!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE cheesy neighbor gifts and am always searching for some ideas. This year for the sisters I visit teach I gave them a 2-liter of 7-UP with some sweets and made a little card that said "7-UPlifting thoughts about YOU." And then I wrote down 7 things I admire about them. They LOVED it. For my neighbors I am giving them some dry pasta and a recipe that goes with the pasta with a note that says "Here's a recipe tried and true, our family thought we'd share with you. Wishing you a "pasta"tively wonderful holiday season from our family to yours." There are so many websites with such good ideas. So fun!
