Nov '08 VT Message: General Conference Talk

I love the times we get to choose a conference talk for our visit teaching message. Since all of the talks are marvelous, sometimes it is so hard to choose one. It was especially difficult this time, there were so many that I really enjoyed. I narrowed it down to two that I would kind of talk to my sisters about.

The one I will post here is a talk by Elder David A. Bednar, titled, Pray Always. He spoke of how we should always have a prayer in our hearts. Whether it is continuously recognizing our Heavenly Father's hand in every aspect in our lives and giving thanks. Or counseling with him in all our doings. I really liked how he spoke of reflecting on our shortcoming, "Recognizing we know better..., Expressing remorse..., Determine to pattern our life after the Savior more completely., Plead for greater strength to do and to become better." I love that!! To know that our Heavenly Father knows that we are not going to be perfect in all things, but we can go to him and ask for his strenghth and help to do better.

He also spoke of expressing gratitude. Sometimes we get all wrapped up in asking for things that we lack. Maybe we need to occasionally have a prayer where all we do is express gratitude. I have done this and I have really enjoyed these prayers because it has really helped me realize all that we have.

We can also pray for others. I love this, when we really focus our prayers on our friends, family members, or neighbors needs then they really become more heartfelt and personal.

I know that our Heavenly Father is always there for us and that he hears and answers all of our prayers. I am so grateful for the ability that we have to pray and counsel with our Heavenly Father. When we sincerely pray we draw even closer to him and have him as a constant companion in our lives.

Link to November 2008 Ensign

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this talk too. I also liked the part about saying a prayer where you just express gratitude. It makes you realize what you really have!
