
So, I thought I would finish this month off with a post on gratitude. After realizing all of our blessings that we have in our lives. We then need to express our gratitude for those things. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with so much in our lives, we can express appreciation to him through prayer. We can also express our gratitude by how we live our lives. If we live our life the way he would want us too, than I believe that shows him that we truly appreciate him and all he does for us.

We also need to recognize what those around us do for us, even the little things. Once we notice them than we need to express our thanks. I know that sometimes things are just expected or we get busy and don't notice things. But if we notice the little things and express gratitude then others will really feel appreciated. And when people feel appreciated than they are happy. Doesn't the world need more happiness! So I hope that we can all recognize things done or given to us and then express our gratitude! I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so grateful for a daughter who know's how much her Father in Heaven, her Savior and her Earthly Parents Love her.
