House Keeping Tips

We all love to hear new ideas on our to help our homes run for efficiently. Here are some of my tips along with some from my family and friends. Please feel free to share with us any tips you my have!

Baking Soda: This is an inexpensive, non-toxic way to clean. I have used it on sinks, on counters, on floors, on walls. It is great for getting scuffs off of linoleum, or stains from counters and porcelain sinks and tubs.

Bug Repellent: This is one that my cousin gave me. She says that it works great on removing permanent marker from furniture. (Be sure to test it on a non-noticeable piece first)

Lists/Charts: Make a list or chart of what chores you are going to do each day. This helps you to know what needs to be done and spreads things out over the week. It also gives you a great sense of accomplishment when everything is complete. It has definitely made a difference in my life, my house stays clean an I amazingly feel like I have more time.

Take advantage of the great cleaning aids out there: Some that my friends have used are "Scrubbing Bubbles Flushible toilet wipes", for quick cleaning of the potties. "Mr. Clean Magic Erasers", to erase those crayon marks.

Website helps: You can find anything on the web, including help with household matters one website my mom likes is

Multi-Task and involving kids: My sister-in-law cleans her sink and toilet while her children are taking a bath. My children love to help dust. So I give them each a rag an let them dust. Also most of my children's toys are in little containers or totes, they are able to play with two totes at a time. When they are done with a tote they need to clean it up. At the end of the day, before they go to bed all toys are picked up and put into their places. It is great to let your children have some chores and responsibilities it helps them gain a work ethic, helps you do things together and helps their confidence grow.

Happy Housekeeping!

1 comment:

  1. good ideas we can all use more tips and ideas to make life easier.
