Sept. '08 V.T. Message: The Gospel of Jesus Christ Teaches the Eternal Potential of the Children of God

I thought that every month I would post a link to the visit teaching message and then some of my thoughts on it. I thought it would be fun if everyone else posted their thoughts on the message also.


I love the scripture found in D & C 78:18 "Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.” I know that sometimes life can get overwhelming, but as the scripture says, "Be of good cheer...". It is so good to know that Heavenly Father is always there to help us and guide us to achieve our potential. He wants us to succeed. The whole plan was designed for us. I believe that he will do everything in his power to help us. We just need to put forth the effort, let him into our lives and seek him for guidance. I was also impressed by the quote from Sister Julie B. Beck, “Oh, that every girl and woman would have a testimony of her potential for eternal motherhood. …" It just shows how important motherhood is and that it doesn't end on this earth. We have a potential to me eternal mothers. I love how she says for us to "...have a testimony..." of that. I am grateful for my opportunity to be a mother and am looking forward to that eternal motherhood.

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